Power Kite Forum


sangreer - 27-1-2007 at 06:29 AM

i recently bought a rad pro 6,0m2. i have no experience in powerkites and wanna know if i got the right kite for a beginner.

sunset-Jim - 27-1-2007 at 08:45 AM

Yes and no.

Although my experience with the radsails are on their earlier models, I found them to be a very controllable kite which suits them great for beginners. A 6m kite is a bit on the big side however. As long you fly it in low, clean wind conditions, you should be fine. Nothing more than around a 10mph.

And unless the pro series have changed quite a bit from the earlier models, they really don't have the power of a comparable size kite. So a 6m radsail would have about the same power in the same wind conditions as a 5m in most other kites. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially when starting out.

Good luck and be safe.

sangreer - 28-1-2007 at 05:40 AM

Thanks for the opinion sunset-Jim will use your advice.
cheers :thumbup:

Bladerunner - 28-1-2007 at 02:12 PM

Jim is right.

Don't even think about flying that thing in more than 10mph at 1st. We have a local that started out on a 5.5 and it spanked him so bad he turned away from the sport. You would probably have been better starting with a kite about 1/2 that size. I'm not saying don't use it but be aware it DEFINATELY has the size to do some major damage to you and those around you. Keep DOUBLE the distance of your lines between you and anything / anyone downwind.
You now represent a whole community of kiters, so be carefull. Common sense will keep you safe!

Bucky - 29-1-2007 at 01:43 PM

Sunset Jim has flown my old Radsail 6m's and his comments are right on the mark (the new design has only slight changes, and a diffent color scheme, but its esentially the same kite.)

Radsail are a GREAT beginner kite because of their predictable flying characteristics. More aggressive than a Beemer, and better built than a Buster, yet very easy to fly. I recommend them all the time for beginner kiters.

The 6m CAN hurt you if you're not careful. Its big enough to send you flying(which can be good or bad) You might consider getting a 3m or 4m Radsail as a second kite. They're cheap, and it will allow you a wider wind range to fly in.