Power Kite Forum

Ozone Turbo bar setup question.

dangerdan - 20-6-2015 at 09:21 PM

I have been trying to setup the Ozone Turbo bar with my HQ 4m Toxic. So far so good except for one minor irritation. I'm not used to flying with my arms fully extended on the bar. It feels awkward. If I try to move my arms closer to my body while gripping the bar the kite comes down right away as both brakes come on. Is there a way to make that less sensitive so that the brakes only come on when I pull the bar in 2-3 inches.
I already have a 5 in extension attached to the power lines which helped turning the kite.

bigE123 - 21-6-2015 at 01:47 AM

By adding more to the power lines you have effectively shortened the brake lines, the Turbo uses the brake line / power line to turn the kite, if you take the extensions off you added, then you should have the same control with the bar pulled in part way. If the kite is backstalling too early then it's the brake lines that need extending.

John Holgate - 21-6-2015 at 02:50 AM

You may also be able to lengthen the brake lines by loosening the straps on either side of the bar - if they're not fully out already. If taking the extensions off altogether results in really slack brake lines, you could try 3" extensions instead. I don't ever recall having the bar out feeling awkward, but I usually pulled the bar in when turning, then let the bar straight out again.

edit: I could completely stall the kite by pulling the bar in while static flying. Once at speed, in the bug, pulling the bar in did not stall the kite, it sat a little deeper in the window and pulled a bit harder. Speed = more apparent wind, hence more lift, which then overcomes the drag of pulling in the trailing edge.

dangerdan - 21-6-2015 at 09:03 AM

Thanks John and bigE .. I'll head out this afternoon and try that.

dangerdan - 26-6-2015 at 08:52 AM

Good news. I followed Johns instruction by lengthening the brake line a few inches, tightened the straps on the bar by 1" and left the 5" extension on the power lines for the Toxic.
Its far more comfortable flying the kite as the arms are more relaxed. On take off I need to fully extend my arms with the bar and once the kite is airborne I can pull the bar back a few inches and relax without having the brakes on. Turning the kite is now very easy and I also have full brakes when I pull the bar towards me. :thumbup::thumbup:

Again thanks John for your help.