Power Kite Forum

12M Slingshot Ranger

djsiryn - 14-7-2015 at 04:15 PM

I have a question. I want to know if there is any mods I can do to my 12m Ranger to make it turn faster and stop with the wingtip folding. Got my first flight in on it today and I couldn't for the life of me get the tips to stay stable and make it turn without using almost the entire vertical window. Winds were about 15mph today.

RedSky - 14-7-2015 at 04:46 PM

No problem,

You could adjust the steering lines to the shortest knot and adding 20cm pigtail extenstions to the front lines can help with tip tuck.

I sound like an expert do I not ?

Nah, I searched for your kite on kiteforum.com and there are many discussion threads on the Ranger's behavior that you describe and one or two hints regarding mods.


djsiryn - 14-7-2015 at 04:58 PM

AH thanks! It was driving me completely nuts! Both tips tucked under while I was up in the air and BOOM down I came...ugh!:o

shehatesmyhobbies - 14-7-2015 at 06:36 PM

Yes the tip tuck was an issue, but easy fix. Great kite with a ton of raw power.

Some times I wish mine was still in the trailer! Love the looks of the kite with out a doubt!

Feyd - 14-7-2015 at 06:44 PM


djsiryn - 14-7-2015 at 06:45 PM

I was impressed with its power and it has awesome float! One of the cells seems to be blown out though when I packed it up that I had not noticed. Can I fix that with Tear aid like I do with my LEI kites or should I have it sent out to be done professionally?

Feyd - 15-7-2015 at 08:38 AM

The 12m is a serious workhorse. And in it's stock form has little to offer in terms of a worth while safety system. A 4.5 line is easy to add as well as OS handles and bring it into the range of modern safety systems.

Depending on how bad the cell is blown you could fix it yourself assuming there are no ribs torn out etc... But judging from your post on the Venom I would argue that the blown cell you see may not be the only damage and sending it to a qualified repair center would be prudent as they may find other issues that you may not notice or recognize. We use FixMyKite.

The Ranger 12m glides for days., flies in pretty dang low winds too. On par with Flysurfers IMO glide wise.