Power Kite Forum

where have all the kite skaters gone?

Terrablader - 25-7-2015 at 08:18 AM

nobody comes here anymore i dont get it?

ssayre - 25-7-2015 at 09:39 AM

I skate plenty with a longboard and kite if that counts.


Bladerunner - 25-7-2015 at 09:44 AM

I don't think that kite skaters have ever been around in any great numbers.

Not unlike traction kiting itself I thought that the sport would grow. I know it is one of my favorite ways to ride.

One guess is that Coyotes are getting more rare and more expensive. More modern quality blades are very expensive and while " wheels of doom " work they don't seem as fun / easy and I have always sort of looked at them as " leg breakers".

Something I think I have noticed is that while blades came completely naturally to me people who don't have a strong skate / ski background don't transition as easily.

skimtwashington - 25-7-2015 at 01:21 PM

I used my Coyote Rollerblades once in last year.

Why? Not sure....But I ride on a beach.....

* I like the speeds I reach in a buggy.
* Rollerblades are HOT in warm/mild weather.
* easier to just get out of buggy and walk around.
* I like to "change it up..by stopping and scudding and jumping...then back in buggy...repeat.
* I like to skid out in buggy.
* safer in buggy(from falls/leg breakers?).

For those that don't already own blades... yes expensive and not much available..as just said by Bladerunner. Also I agree if not the background in skating/skiing, it's harder to learn that with kite.

With that said...it's still fun..even though my Coyotes have a high rolling resistance.




Randy - 25-7-2015 at 01:42 PM

skimtwashington - how big is that NPW shown in your pictures. I like the way its done too.

Bladerunner - 25-7-2015 at 01:49 PM


Wildwood beach is just soft enough to make blades a bit like work. That second picture shows how it can be s shlog. Fortunately Sunset beach is a bit harder.

A agree! While I really enjoy blades I enjoy switching it up and buggy feels more safe.

skimtwashington - 25-7-2015 at 02:38 PM


That's a 2.75m..give or take .2.

Nahant beach blowing 25-35 mph.

Flying lines? who needs flying lines?:lol:

ssayre - 25-7-2015 at 03:51 PM

I was guessing 2.5 - 3m on your nasa skim. I look at nasa's flying almost everyday so I think I have a decent eye :D