Power Kite Forum

Fall meet up anyone ?

TEDWESLEY - 26-7-2015 at 09:05 AM

The wife wanted a Fall getaway and had the GritzCarlton A on her radar. So it's off to Jekyll Island, Oct. 10-17. This may be taken as a warning, or an invitation to join us ! Afternoon tides
and morning rides.

acampbell - 26-7-2015 at 10:23 AM

Hmmmm. I think we can find our way there! We'll take the invitation and bring the doggies.

Even since JIBE this year there have been a lot of amenities added to the island but of course the neighborhood up by the Grits Carlton remain the same.

Also, the old temporary shopping center will be gone by then and the site returned to a beach park with open uncluttered beaches ( the open space between the Hotel pavilion north of JIBE and Driftwood beach farther to the north.

Great idea!

kiteballoon - 26-7-2015 at 07:07 PM

Ohh, you know I would be in on this! I think having a regular fall event @ JIBE would be awesome (*wink* *wink* Angus). October is such great kiting weather there.

I suppose I'll sneak this little tidbit in here though; My wife and I are expecting our first child! You'll never ever guess the due date... Yep, that very same week in October. Still, pbc tells me babies come late, and kiting is forever. Consider at least pbc in on this, even if he doesn't know it yet.

soliver - 27-7-2015 at 05:55 AM

BAH!... sounds like a lot of fun but I've used up all my Vacation time ... AND just got a dog :D... so I've pounded my availability and my checkbook :smilegrin:... looking forward to May then!!!

bigkid - 27-7-2015 at 07:30 AM

Isn't that the same dates as WBB? I have some $$ left. Could take a side trip....
I wish there were 2 of me, er maybe not. Then I would be in twice the trouble :o
Sounds like a great time to get together.

skimtwashington - 27-7-2015 at 02:40 PM

Doesn't it get loaded with local/tourists/ sunbathers in summer ...or what's the story w/ this place?

I've lost year round kiting here:(

TEDWESLEY - 27-7-2015 at 05:21 PM

Skim- we're talking October the week after WWBB Summer will be gone and so will the people.
Great riding. Nice temperature. Good eats. What's not to like. Angus is going to make the trip !

soliver - 27-7-2015 at 05:36 PM

Yes, Jekyll is a PRIMO spot!... October is a great time to go too. We went at the end of September then again at the end of October in 2013,... the beach was practically vacant... Maybe 1 or 2 small groups of people, and still warm enough to get a great sea breeze!

acampbell - 27-7-2015 at 06:39 PM

Yes this is post season well after Labor Day so that the major obstacles are driftwood and alligators. But it is still before our brutal winter where temps drop to the daytime highs of 50 or so.

For insurance and permitting reasons I would not declare it as a Jibe event, but rather in the same vein as previous "demo days" or other fun-flys. Maybe "JIVE" - Jekyll Island Virtual Event.

Biggest risk is rain. We are a hurricane hole; so we let our neighboring states take the storms and we just mop up some rains. Winds this time can be less predictable, but many people that come to JIBE come to enjoy the region as much as the beach.

skimtwashington - 27-7-2015 at 08:16 PM

Do you ever kite buggy this time of year there.... in early evening when folks go home for day?....... or on rare cloudy cool summer day- when most people(sunbathers) stay away?

Is kite buggying Permitted anytime or restricted, beyond your own discretion?

This is the more pointed or accurate question, I guess.

Use to do that here at my beach, until summer ban.

Randy - 28-7-2015 at 06:34 AM

I'm interested - is morning a good time of day in October?

acampbell - 28-7-2015 at 03:14 PM

Ted has done a good job choosing dates. That week is a new moon with large tides and low tides (big beach) in the afternoon. Afternoons are when there is a better chance of favorable winds, but this time of year is a bit more unpredictable as, say late spring or early summer.

We have kite-friendly local government. Buggy anytime you want to in daylight hours. This is after sea-turtle nesting season, so you don't have to worry about that.

Just do not go south of the southern water tower (actually a point north of that, but I can show you the limits when you get here - not a big deal). The reason for the limitation is that the southern tip of the island is reserved for protected wildlife species such as plovers.

After Labor Day, especially October, THERE ARE FEW PEOPLE ON THE BEACH. For the few picnic-goers, fishermen (at the surf line) or dog walkers, there is plenty of space to go around them by a distance that is greater than your kite lines. There may be more people in front of the hotel properties, but you can still go around them. All the beach is public (state park).

Besides the southern tip of the island that I mentioned, there are no "bans" - that is until the first puppy or toddler gets whacked.

For more info on the island, look at the JIBE website....

....and just remember the differences in time of the year and that it won't be an official JIBE event.

Hope to see all y'all here.

3shot - 28-7-2015 at 04:22 PM

Daggonit..... I would love to come there in Oct!!
Just not gonna happen. It will make next May even sweeter. Well, that's what I'm telling myself..

Cheeks - 28-7-2015 at 05:59 PM

Just asked the wifey if we could take a vacation Oct. 10-17 and she said YES !!!!!!!!
So... I'm in!

What kind of wind can we expect?
I should be all healed up by then but will need to take it easy.

Great idea Ted.

3shot - 28-7-2015 at 06:08 PM

Hey Ted, Sent you a U2U!

acampbell - 28-7-2015 at 07:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cheeks  

What kind of wind can we expect?

Great idea Ted.

Really hard to say. Could be warm enough to trigger a sea-breeze but that could be overpowered by a western system pushing against it. It will be a good big beach but it could be carved up into short chops.

TEDWESLEY - 29-7-2015 at 05:41 PM

Credit for this must go to Holly. She wanted to have a fall vacation and see what it is like
in October. My idea to is say " hey, I'm going to Jekyll island ", if anybody is in the area and wants
to ride. There is a certain amount of safety in numbers with any sport like this.
We did a similar thing 2 years ago at Pine Point, our local beach and had a great time.
As ever, we want to be good stewards of the beach and give other users a wide berth.

kiteballoon - 30-7-2015 at 06:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by acampbell  

Just do not go south of the southern water tower (actually a point north of that, but I can show you the limits when you get here - not a big deal). The reason for the limitation is that the southern tip of the island is reserved for protected wildlife species such as plovers.

And remember, there is no limit on northern runs until you run out of beach! Just ask Mark and Errol :p

As far as weather, the sweet spot for kiting is Sept/Oct imho. I feel in love with kiting on a long weekend at Jekyll a few years ago in September. The weather is not longer crazy hot, wind is typically present and with a cooler twinge. And of course, the beach isn't packed, even on a Saturday. Perfect for my early learning sessions! I could do full beach runs with nothing to get in the way or hit :-) Great time for Full Moon buggying as well as turtle season is over!

PS, if you want to stretch the fall season even more, head a little further south to St Augustine. We hold the nice weather patterns just a bit longer into November.

soliver - 30-7-2015 at 07:42 PM

Oi cr@p I wanna go!!! I've got the kiting itch that I SOOOO wanna scratch ... I just haven't had a good buggy sesh in MUCH too long :mad:

TEDWESLEY - 31-7-2015 at 04:19 PM

Spencer, it works like this : "Honey, I'm going out to the store for some milk" When the cops track you down several days later in Georgia
you claim amnesia.... We'll all buy your stuff when she throws it out in the yard.

PHREERIDER - 1-8-2015 at 08:26 AM

down for a day or 2.

soliver - 1-8-2015 at 05:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TEDWESLEY  
Spencer, it works like this : "Honey, I'm going out to the store for some milk" When the cops track you down several days later in Georgia
you claim amnesia.... We'll all buy your stuff when she throws it out in the yard.


Ashli said that was also a good way to end up divorced :lol:

Michael Gaylan - 5-8-2015 at 04:18 PM

Sounds like a great idea. However, I am somewhat like a bear that stores up enough for the winter. And lots to do before then so I can make it through till May. rofl

I parted JIBE last season with only a few bucks left over from my budget. And, I usually have to take a few days off to recover from MY vacations. Although I didn't have nearly the need for recovery as did CheeS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s body snatcher trilogy. I think he's STILL recovering. hehehe


pbc - 12-8-2015 at 07:52 PM

I'm in! It looks like a good time. I need a long kite weekend and October is such a good month to do it.

I'm thinking 10/11 - 10/12. Anyone camping? Want to share a camp site?
