Power Kite Forum

Kite board question????

Chrisz - 31-7-2015 at 07:26 AM

I finally got some real wind this weekend, I got out yesterday in some 20 mph wind on my 10m Switchblade I was doing ok but I was getting beat up and tossed around on the waves.

The only board I have is a light wind 155 board, would getting a smaller board with more rocker make my ride a little more smooth? I feel a bit out of control with that big board in the 1 to 2 foot waves.


PHREERIDER - 31-7-2015 at 09:07 AM

rocker not gonna smooth it out that much, smaller board with some flex will soften.

a concave bottom will soak up more chop and rough water but will not have good light wind performance.

most boards that are smooth in chop, like jimmy lewis, require decent wind to be fun, but are super smooth and have nice control for sure. the more power the better the are. in the right breeze this boards

the rocker boards for like wake style are fun but suck upwind or require fairly decent air, really seems best for flat water.

if you thought that was rough, wait til up get going up windward against the chop !

that big board will certainly beat you up out of its light wind range, thats a go to board for a 250# guy about 6'4", way too big for you.

keep doing !

Chrisz - 31-7-2015 at 04:05 PM

I'm 185, lbs what size board should I try for the 20 mph stuff?

ssayre - 1-8-2015 at 07:00 AM

Whoa, pretty cool Chris, looked like you had some park and ride. Is that your husband? He does a good job commentating on conditions and your progression.

Chrisz - 1-8-2015 at 07:41 AM

Yep, that is my other 1/2. He was trying to liven up the video with some commentary, If I could only get him to like kiting, he actually hates it. What else can you expect from a motor head, if it ain't got an engine he ain't riding it, what are you going to do. At least he will drive the boat and take video for me.

I did get a good ride in for a little while, I had to go down wind a ways to get around the island to my left, when I started to cut to my left to go up wind I really started moving. The waves where getting bigger and bigger as I kept going towards the middle of the lake. I think I freeked out a little bit and lost my focus, I had too much weight in my front foot and dug into a wave and took a header over the front of the board.

Got 10 to 15 today more my comfort zone, I try the 14m Switchblade, I'll get some more video to day and post.

PHREERIDER - 1-8-2015 at 08:14 AM

136-142cm and about 40-43cm wide is gonna be all around with good range . if you tend to be in lighter air <20 slick flat bottom. boards with progressive flex , it means soft on the tips and firm thru the center, are chop friendly esp. for the legs... at this point you are still "on top " of the board and will feel very rough, as you gain better board control your edge will cut down the chop effect. you are coming up on the toughtest part of learning the "beat up " feeling will be a part of speed control and kite control, without decent speed its no fun, but to add speed will really feel out of control at first, you have to add speed to get up wind. try not to think about while doing it , just keep your head back and LOOK where you are going NOT at the kite.

PHREERIDER - 1-8-2015 at 09:08 AM

something like this, beginner friendly with small center concave and all the way to boost ready!


Chrisz - 1-8-2015 at 06:36 PM

I'm kind of liking that board, it will half to wait until I have a chunk of change in my pocket.

I got back out again today it was 15 to 20 mph winds with 27 mph gusts. I did a bit better, got a little more comfortable in the wind and on the board, I was able to park the kite a bit more than the other day and lean back.

Leaning back, going up wind and cutting the waves did take care of some of the chop like you said. I did ok going to my left but still struggling to go to my right. I'll attach the video when it is finished with the up load.

grigorib - 6-8-2015 at 08:31 PM

For your 1/2 - http://youtu.be/UBf29fguszo he'll be riding next to you happily ever after
For you - get yourself a light carbon fiber twintip 135x42 or so, with medium rocker, medium flex and some channels/concave on the bottom. Don't do anything but carbon. There are many. I love my Spleene RIP. Crazyfly will do. Axis will do.

Doors are pretty sweet for light wind but in chop they start being bulky. Edge and lay back more, make sure your hips are not hanging behind like a weight (bring them forward), keep you front leg straight - that alone will eat a lot of that chop.

A piece of advise - your kite control is nice, try to fly longer arcs and wider arcs turning the kite while working it - every sharp turn must be stalling you down a bit.

Chrisz - 7-8-2015 at 01:24 PM

I wish I could afford one of those moterized surf baoards, they start at $12,000. We picked up a wave runner instead. Yeah a carbon board would be awsome, I was thinking of maybe making my own board this winter out of carbon.

grigorib - 7-8-2015 at 02:32 PM

Come to Grand Haven, MI on 9/25-9/27 for KOGL event - there'll be plenty of boards to test and you might also win one in a raffle.

Also in a long run - try to swap your 155cm Stylus board for a true door board with wide tips. They look pretty in carbon as well.