Power Kite Forum

New board has arrived!

Cheddarhead - 3-8-2015 at 10:28 AM

UPS left me a present on my doorstep last Friday:D Now time for some lessons!:D Should get me up and riding for a first timer.

PHREERIDER - 3-8-2015 at 05:35 PM

you are set, just add wind!

Chrisz - 3-8-2015 at 06:30 PM

Nice! What size is it? I cant wait to hear how lessons go, take some video.

Cheddarhead - 3-8-2015 at 06:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chrisz  
Nice! What size is it? I cant wait to hear how lessons go, take some video.

It's 160x44. Slopecat Mike has the same board. I knew it was big, but when I got it up close and personal I was like WOW this thing is huge! No wonder they call them "doors"

Chrisz - 3-8-2015 at 07:32 PM

Wow that is big! Cant wait to hear your stories!

3shot - 4-8-2015 at 03:26 AM
