I'm no expert....I just fly the snot out of things....Those that know me can back me up here.....
If going for a blade....I would stay away from the I & II series.....especially since you can still find great deals on the newer model kites.
These models had really pointy tips and they would love to fold in an any lull or wind change. The kite would then bow-tie which lead to many curse
words, as you knew you were never going to get it undone unless you re-staked, walked and got it out.
When I picked up my first III series this is when I noticed a considerable difference in the way they performed. I have logged a ton of hours flying
these and I can't really say I would notice a difference in the III , IV, or V....like I said I just pull them out of the bag, get in the buggy or
static and just smile. If I was racing or fine tuning then I might notice some difference.
I hope that helps a bit. I did read you wanted to share with your young lad and I would like to stress that these kites are no joke...they can
seriously hurt you, (very lifty) so you may want to ask some others if the stackers are a bit more friendly in that dept.
And Bruce has dibs! Flying the snot out of them is an ,,UNDERSTATEMENT,