Don't forget that anything shipped from Europe to the USA is subject to customs and all the fees that go with it. If you don't get an invoice from
customs doesn't mean your off the hook for the penalty of non payment.
I remember my last order from Libre, customs nailed me for $138.00 for a complementary sweatshirt. The total cost was doubled for the order of buggy
part to pay for everything except the VAT.
Ordering from China or Asia is the same as Europe, you end up paying a lot more in the long run.
Worst order of all time was a kite I got from Pansh for $45.00. Customs follows up a year later with a fine of $ 543.78 for non payment of customs
fee, brokerage fee, and shipping fee. After the lawyer fee was added to the pot, the kite cost me just shy of $1000.00.