Power Kite Forum

Here's what's happening at WBB

shehatesmyhobbies - 7-10-2015 at 04:34 PM

Well the event officially started today, but several of us started yesterday. Yesterday the winds were blowing straight down the beach making for short runs from the dunes to the water. We flew for a few hours till the wind diminished. Of course before we got to the beach, a lot of us spent hours assembling, tinkering, and just plain getting ready to hi the beach.

Unfortunately, today was almost a complete dud! A few kites went in the air but no one was getting anywhere fast. The wind kept changing direction making for a struggle to get things going. The fact that the wind was. Rey light didn't make things any easier.

Lots of hanging out going on currently and I'm sure it will go long into the evening as usual. We all have our fingers crossed for better winds tomorrow. A 8-10mph SSE wind is predicted making it almost on shore, could be better, could be worse. It's wildwood, just wait a minute it could change.

Hope to have a better report tomorrow

shehatesmyhobbies - 7-10-2015 at 05:24 PM

I did however just look at the forecast for the next three days. Tomorrow onshore on the lighter side, but for Friday and Saturday lets just say that if you are not here yet, you better get here!

WELDNGOD - 7-10-2015 at 05:25 PM


soliver - 8-10-2015 at 04:54 AM

Have fun guys and be safe!

By the way, they just said on the news that the remnants of hurricane Joaquin are now hitting Spain... wow, talk about a redirect.

shehatesmyhobbies - 8-10-2015 at 02:26 PM

Nice little onshore wind late this afternoon providing hard pack rides for anyone who chose to go out. Turned out to be a half way decent day. As I type several are still going at and will be till the wind dies or it gets dark!

More good times coming starting tomorrow with much higher winds in the forecast for the next two days! Let the good times roll!

ssayre - 8-10-2015 at 03:05 PM

I like the updates :thumbup: Thanks, have some fun for the rest of us working away the day.

volock - 8-10-2015 at 07:28 PM

Sitting here icing my arm, loving hearing the updates and insanely jealous

shehatesmyhobbies - 9-10-2015 at 09:35 AM

Let's just say the wind is on, I myself have hit 43.6mph on a 9m phantom, Craig aka mainekite hit 43.7 on a 12m phanny. Lots of kites and buggies on the beach. A great day of kiting so far. Lunch break than back at it!

eric67m - 9-10-2015 at 11:30 AM

We would love to see some pictures.

shehatesmyhobbies - 9-10-2015 at 01:26 PM

Pics will be coming soon I'm sure. Today was the first real wind an everyone is on the beach.

Second trip out proved better and provided a new top speed for myself at 44.9mph tomorrow should be even better!

markite - 9-10-2015 at 01:51 PM

Let the good times roll! Great to hear the wind has turned on - looking for ward to seeing pics and video:thumbup:

Windstruck - 9-10-2015 at 02:48 PM

Man, that boy can move out! Those are some quick speeds. I'm newer to the sport but I think I might need to hose down my buggy seat after runs like that. Is that what those drain holes are for? :D

Bladerunner - 10-10-2015 at 11:50 AM

Way to go Rich'

I wonder how many people are in the 50mph club using arcs? I doubt there are many who have hit 45 with an arc ? Of course, neither have you! :P ;)

markite - 10-10-2015 at 12:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bladerunner  
Way to go Rich'

I wonder how many people are in the 50mph club using arcs? I doubt there are many who have hit 45 with an arc ? Of course, neither have you! :P ;)

I know I've hit over 50mph many times with a 10m Scorpion - the fastest I recorded using that kite was 58.2. I've ridden many times blasting around Ivanpah when my batteries ran out or couldn't be bothered to stop and put on a GPS when it felt even faster using an 8m Synergy and 6m Phanny - you know that sense of holy crap when something feels like it could all go to hell fast. Ziggy had his GPS on and did something like 62 or 63 with his 6m, There are a mall handful of guys I can think of that probably have all been over 50 and maybe into low/mid 60
(AJ, Blake, Bobby, Phillip, Ziggy, Dean, Nick, Steve B and some others that I'll think of) - Wow sorry that is a topic side track from WW. Of course hitting high 40s on a beach with an arc is sweet riding - nice reports and sounds like a great fall WW gathering.

bigkid - 10-10-2015 at 02:16 PM

It's those skinny tires and 60lbs less weight that helped in Rich's personal best. :evil:
Even with the stuff, it's been a great time with a great bunch of guys. When someone from across the beach yells "hey Jeff, how's it going?" And you can't for the world remember who it is yelling at you. You play dumb and yell back its good to see you again.....Scott I believe.:D
Having a blast.