TEDWESLEY - 9-10-2015 at 03:15 PM
After our 1200mi trek and 50mi detour around the flood in South Carolina ( looked pretty wet ) we arrived. Our first day was everything you wanted at
the end of a drive, sun, moderate onshore wind few of the bathing public. Full beach runs with the only people in front of Great dunes and a few in
front of the hotel. The beach was wide, flat, and hard with no tidal pools. I didn't get out of the seat for three hours of cruising. I think I'll try
it again tomorrow..... The new Mexican restaurant that opened during JIBE turned out to be pretty good eats. We ate on the deck to recover strength
for tomorrow! There is a marathon tomorrow but that should be over in the morning. Low tide 1:30ish. If you're nearby we're here all next week. It
should be criminal to have this much beach to myself!
Windstruck - 9-10-2015 at 03:47 PM
Way to go Ted! Get some great times for the rest of us.
Cheeks - 10-10-2015 at 12:11 PM
I have decided to come there if I can get around the high water.
They say the worst is yet to come because all the river water is headed toward the coast.
St. George SC is getting ready for the flood.
I had a choice of either going to my 50th High School Reunion in Kansas or going to JI.
Do I want to go 1100 miles to sit and talk to a bunch of old people and listen to them talk
about their ill health and poop?
Drive 3 hours and kite buggy ??????????????????????
Screw a bunch of senior citizens!!!!! I'm going to the beach!
Hope to see you soon Ted. Hey, arn't you a senior citizen also ?
TEDWESLEY - 10-10-2015 at 02:24 PM
I never talk ill of the healthy and never show pictures of my grandchildren.
The conditions were great yesterday.
Wind from several directions all at the same time with little velocity today.
Going forth in search of BBQ what could be better?
soliver - 10-10-2015 at 07:12 PM
Totally jealous Ted :flaming:
PHREERIDER - 11-10-2015 at 07:24 AM
good score! we are in Asheville . fall has a mixed bag of wind . enjoy
pbc - 13-10-2015 at 06:06 PM
Between babies and work schedules, I'm the only person from Gainesville who even has a chance of still coming, but in the process I've lost my
traveling buddies and my camping buddies. I thinking I'm going to bow out of this one in the hope the Gainesville crew can make a trip to St.
Augustine on the next low tide. Sorry to be a big zero.
Maybe 2016 is the year I return to JIBE? It could happen. :-)
soliver - 13-10-2015 at 08:00 PM
We'd love to see you back at JI Phillip!... The cook out was stellar at Great Dunes Park this last year... STILL WAITING ON FOOTAGE JASON
Still totally jealous Ted
BTW, Steve and Sean,... you have to come to JIBE... Jason, Randy and I need more Single Skin Junkies
3shot - 26-10-2015 at 04:50 PM
I know Spencer... I need a JWC club point removed for tardiness...
Man I hope Sean and Steve can do a trip too. That would be epic. Well JIBE alone is epic, so that would be epic-er..
Windstruck - 26-10-2015 at 05:07 PM
I seriously looked into this, but unfortunately the dates of JIBE this year conflict directly with a meeting I have to attend for my work. ARG!!! I
will shoot for 2017. Totally want to do this, assuming somebody could let me use a spare buggy now and again. I'd bring my own kites (they are, after
all, all single skin) but getting a buggy across country is just too much.
I do plan to attend the big Ivanpah event next Spring....