Ha! Ya, I know -beggars can't be choosers. The spots close to home tend to get a lot less coverage than up in the mountains. Believe it or not, on
that particular day there was over a foot of snow in spots, its just that the sun is so intense here on CO that once a little brown starts showing
through, it starts to burn off very quickly.
Those thistle looking plants are yucca plants. Definitely not an inflatable-friendly locale. On the upside, when the snow drifts against them, they
tend to make nice little jump ramps. It becomes a game after a while - dodging some and trying to get air off others. All about making lemonade out
of lemons I suppose.
We got a couple inches last night that should hopefully freshen up a consolidated base so I'm hoping to go do some yucca-dodging today. In my book, a
day kiting with yuccas is better than no kiting at all! |