Fall WBB is (sadly) fading into memory, and Thanksgiving is coming up quickly. (Well, it is for our American family members.)
My thoughts are turning to the Spring 'Bash to try and find an escape from the cold that's about to descend.
Has there been any discussion of dates? The tides look pretty good for the first full week of April:-)
In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving y'all.shehatesmyhobbies - 24-11-2015 at 04:43 AM
There has been a little bit of discussion on dates for the Spring. The issue may be with securing the Shalimar. I also liked the first week of April
but I think the Special Olympics has reserved the entire place that weekend.
I will get busy on it this weekend as I have only had 2 days off since the bash! hiaguy - 24-11-2015 at 05:42 AM
When you have time to put towards WBB, I would suggest that the priority would be tides rather than "having" to stay at the Shalimar. (It's a great
place, but only as long as they can accommodate us.) Let me know if I can help.shehatesmyhobbies - 24-11-2015 at 06:41 AM
Agreed and agreed. I did sneak out for an hour and a half last weekend(before I had to work) to buggy for a little bit. Winds were ok, but much better
the day before when I had planned on buggying all day (till I got called in to work).
I will give Maria a call this afternoon and see which dates are available and go from there.