Power Kite Forum

speed flags

WolfWolfee - 11-2-2007 at 04:59 PM

I have seen these flags with 5, 10 15. 20 mph etc that indicated wind speed by which flag rises up.
Anyone know of our have a plan for this handy little flags?

woodneers - 13-2-2007 at 11:40 AM

I think i know what you are referring to. they are a basic flag with a set weight on the end. It takes so much wind to move the set weight, different weight for different wind speeds. They are cool but not very accurate!

coreykite - 14-2-2007 at 12:19 PM

Couple of problems, Wolfee.

First, flags only show relative wind where they are.
They give no indication of winds or windflow elsewhere on the field or at any other elevation.
Second, flags have limited visible range.
Out here on the desert dry lakes, 12' spinning windsocks, 32' up on a pole, in the midst of a barren, beige landscape, becomes virtually invisible a few hundred yards (meters) out.

Seems to me the real issue is learning to "see" the wind.
Wherever you are.
Using any available means.

Out here in the desert, not much moves, so we bring spinning windsocks to help us.
They help us notice differing wind speeds, not merely direction.

We use wind meters, but not just to tell speed.

First, look around for any wind-moving things and guess the windspeed.
THEN take out your meter and confirm your guess.

We use meters as calibration tools for our eyes.

It is amazing how quickly one becomes accurate at "seeing" wind speed.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama

WolfWolfee - 23-2-2007 at 03:54 PM

Thanks Coreykite, I agree with you and I also have a meter and use it all the time.
Your right the eyes get pretty good, usually within 2-3 mph.
The reason I would like too make a set is just for speed in the staging area.
Yes I agree, they are only a glimpse of that area, elevation.
Yes, they are pretty too.

Hey woodneers , know of any plans for them?


archkiter - 26-3-2007 at 09:23 PM

I just saw this on ebay and thought of you!


remo - 27-3-2007 at 08:48 AM

lol "never guess the windspeed direction again!"


WolfWolfee - 27-3-2007 at 07:59 PM

Thanks Archkiter, might be the ticket.