On another note, I have one of these trucks on order and it shows up tomorrow. It costs less than a depower kite, and I can run it any time I want,
rain or shine! It is big enough to probably pull my buggy as well if the wind is dead ssayre - 3-2-2016 at 01:12 PM
or pull you on your inline skatesDemoknight - 3-2-2016 at 02:35 PM
That was the first thought. I know for a fact it will pull me on inlines. 110mm wheels and fancy expensive swiss bearings make that part easy. I can
almost roll upwind just by holding my arms in the right position. PHREERIDER - 3-2-2016 at 04:19 PM
nice, oh what fun! i definitely have got alot of time behind my tow units! good stuff man!