Power Kite Forum

buggy kite?

kitedemon - 24-2-2007 at 04:21 PM

Hello all,
I am new to the buggy thing and have been thinking of a third kite. I have been pondering a good size for a buggy. I am a tall 6'3" and 210 pounds. I have been thinking of adding a Sammie maybe a 2 or a 3 the sand here is hardish to soft. We have HUGE (50 vertical feet) tides so some of the 'beaches' are underwater at high tide. It makes for damp but hard sand. There are some that are soft and dry... i.e. not underwater much. The wind is often gusty here, and often shifty too. Any thoughts?

Pablo - 24-2-2007 at 04:51 PM

I assume you're looking for something to go under the 3.6m Beamer,

If you're looking for depower, something like a PL Venom or Scorpion may do the trick, awesome top end and they do amazing in the gusty stuff, For fixed bridal something like the Brooza does well in poor winds, I pull out my 3m whenever the wind's getting sketchy and I'm shifting into survival mode. They're quick enough for my liking in the ugly stuff.

If you dig around, you'll find some PL arcs in your area going for cheap, there's also 06 brooza's going cheap as well.

kitemaker4 - 24-2-2007 at 05:27 PM

I would go with the PKD Brooza's like Pablo said. They only have four cells that are open in the leading edge that keeps the kite inflated when the wind dies down. Just stay away from any type of race kite. They do not like gusty winds. Check out www.pkdkites.com.



2, 3, 4 and 5.5 meter PKD Brooza's
Libre V-max and big foot light V-max buggys
Nasa wings
Libre Special buggy for sale

kitemaker4 - 24-2-2007 at 05:29 PM

A 2 meter kite would be a good size to consider.


pea - 25-2-2007 at 02:49 AM

What kind of kites to buggiers usually use? I want a blade for my third kite, but shouldn't i get something more stable?


ripsessionkites - 25-2-2007 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by kitemaker4
Just stay away from any type of race kite. They do not like gusty winds.

not to start a flaming war, but thats not true ... There a few race kites that can handle gusty winds. I had a 3.5 Butan in 20 to ~30Km winds, and it never had problems do to AFS designed in the kite.

Pablo - 25-2-2007 at 10:13 PM

And there's a few pilots that can fly pretty much anything through the prop wash comming off a helicoptor.

If you've got the skill level you can do great things with a race kite, if you don't you may just end up hating them. Some race kites are more stable than others, but the less stable ones usually will outrun the more stable ones.

I think it comes down to pilot skill and prefference. If you want to go flat out and are willing to suffer the learning curve then race kite all the way, if you want to rip up and down the beach at a quick pace then there's plenty of other choices that don't carry the baggage of a race kite.

Fact is though, any fast kite will accelerate hard when hit by a gust, usually resulting in overflying the window, if not, they'll still pull like a SOB when getting hit.

awindofchange - 26-2-2007 at 07:51 PM

Have to agree with Pablo on that one. Race kites can be very difficult for beginners to learn on. Not saying that someone can't learn on a full race kite just that the learning curve may be very slow and you may end up with a lot of very irritating kiting days that would have been awesome kiting days with a lower aspect ratio kite.

I say start off with a good lower aspect ratio kite like the Ozone Fury, Samurai, Beamer, Radsail, etc... and you will have a ton of fun. When you do get your skills up to the level of a full race kite you can then sell off your others or even keep them around for other newbies to play with.

I do have to say that an experienced pilot makes all the difference. I have seen pilots on little devils outrun others on Jojo's and Razors. So in the right hands even the lower aspect ratio kites will kick some serious butt. Don't get discouraged that you are starting out with a lower aspect ratio kite, they still produce tons of power and are a ton of fun to fly. They are also usually less expensive than the full race kites. Depending on the conditions you ride in, the lower aspect ratio kites may be the best choice for all around performance. Full race kites like lots of room for ultra high speeds. Enclosed areas may not allow the kite to give its maximum potential.

Pablo - 26-2-2007 at 09:32 PM

I usually have a full set of race kites on hand, I still find days when the parks a little too crowded for my liking or the wind's on the swirly side and I don't want the headache so I'll throw up a Brooza, I may not hit the top speeds I'm used to, but I have a lot more fun being able to throw the kite around with confidence.

acampbell - 27-2-2007 at 07:18 AM

Yah huh, sometimes it's good to be deliberatly underpowered. Last Saturday the weather was so good there a lot of people out on the beach. I left the Blades in the bag and put up a smaller Rage. Having to weave my way upwind close enough to occasional beach walkers to talk to them (from their downwind side of course with no one under my lines), I never want to risk getting powered up in a gust. Still plenty of kite for a fast broad reach when the beach is clear.

Most worrisome is kids- you gotta be able to stop everything at a distance when the 3 and 4 year olds come running right at you.

I should add that by a "lot of people", I mean couples or families walking, spaced about a quarter to a half mile apart .


kitedemon - 27-2-2007 at 05:45 PM

Hey thanks for the info!

I had the chance to fly a PL reactor last week, I found it fun but a bit hard to control. I seem to agree that a race kite is a bit much at the moment. I also like using a bar and race kites seem to want brake input and it is a bit harder to manage with a bar. I really am leaning toward the Samurai either a 2 or 3 m. I would love to try a PKD but there is no dealer for them near me and i want the chance to try it before I buy. My local dealer is bringing in a 3m Samurai for me to try. It should be here soon I can't wait!
thanks everybody for both the opinions you all have expressed and making me feel welcome!

kitemaker4 - 27-2-2007 at 08:15 PM

I know that there will be PKd kites to demo at NABX. If you plan on attending be sure to check them out.



PKD Brooza's 2, 3, 4 and 5.5 meter
Libre V-max and big foot ligth V-max
Nasa wings

Pablo - 27-2-2007 at 08:48 PM

The Sammy's are good kites, should fit the bill nicely, There's also some wisdom in buying locally as well. Could always ask the local shop to bring in some other brands as well.

kitedemon - 28-2-2007 at 07:26 AM

I really like the local dealer they are very fair. I have been loaned a buggy until mine arrives and got to try basically any kite in stock. They also have very competitive pricing. I have asked about the pkd's maybe they will bring them in... I would love to try one after every thing I have been told! I am leaning toward the Sammie because it is a good price and I know really well made, the peter lynns just didn't seem ... finished? I am not used to handles so that made me feel uncomfortable with them too. I guess I should get used to handles....

WolfWolfee - 28-2-2007 at 10:35 PM

I find that race kites are my forte. I have numerous others but always end up on a race kite.
The handle question is a good one and I fly both bar and handles but without a doubt the handles give better control.
I have a little Sami and find it flies best with the handles out to the sides ie: vertical
Nicer when just cruising in the buggy, lock in your strop, throw your handles together and cruise.
PKD are not hard to get and the Brooza is a good choice, its a kite that will grow with you and is great in gusty winds.

kitedemon - 1-3-2007 at 03:47 AM

How do you find the Brooza vs the Sammie in gusty stuff?