Power Kite Forum


Blitzhound - 21-5-2016 at 06:24 PM

Just curious as to people's thoughts and/or opinions on using Inflatables for buggy engines. I picked up a few of these used. Pretty cheap. I have had them out static and they seem pretty nice actually. Very stable, very predictable, fast turning, aside from the evident possibility of damage I think they're going to be great buggy kites. :thumbup::bird::thumbup:

Bladerunner - 21-5-2016 at 07:55 PM

Waroo and Bularoo are great kites. You will enjoy them in the buggy. Bularoo is built to handle use on land.

Now that you are through the crashing all the time phase I think these kites will stand up. Added incentive to think " kite 1st " !

Blitzhound - 21-5-2016 at 08:19 PM

I had the 7m Bularoo out today for the first time. Winds were only about 6mph so no buggyin but got some good static time in on it. I LIKE it. Very fun, fast, nimble, stable. This is going to be a fun buggy kite I think.

windrider1 - 21-5-2016 at 09:03 PM

I think most of the issues with lei's as a land kite comes down to how well it flies in light winds and the ease of use in general. Some issues tht come to mind would be self lauching , self landing, and the ability to take crashes. I think only a skilled pilot can accomplish all the above without problems. It might work well for a skilled pilot as they do have some advantages over a foil mainly their speed and depower . But me personally i like to keep it simple. I want the lightest and smallest kite that give me the maximum power i need.

Blitzhound - 21-5-2016 at 09:39 PM

I picked these up for several reasons. 1. I do want to get into kiteboarding. I watch people here out in the surf and jumping in the air. It looks like so much fun. 2. Until recently I had never flown an inflatable. I want to try them all. 3. You can pick these things up on Craigslist super cheap compared to foils. 4. There much more readily available. There are kiteboarding shops everywhere. The sport is very popular. Much more so then 4 line foils. Again this is just my opinion on it. Take it with a grain of salt. I think like Bladerunner said once your past the crashing all the time phase combined with the availability of them and support for them. I'm thinking they are a very viable alternative to foils. Especially for someone like myself that does all my buggyin on the beach and sand dunes. As far as self launch and landing. I launched it the same as I do my ARC's with sand on the upwind tip and it worked flawlessly. Landing? I see that as being a potential issue in high winds but that may just be simple lack of experience on my part. I released the safety at the edge of the window and let it flag out the same as I do the ARC's. Not sure how well that will work in higher winds seen as the kite keeps its shape or in an area where you might be worried about the kite getting damaged. I'm sure there are ways to do it. I just haven't figured it out yet.

PHREERIDER - 22-5-2016 at 06:55 AM

With tubes speed and action keep them alive , you stop they drop.
The rate of firing is quick so they're kinda snatchy. Smooth flow and action keep all going in light air just need to stay ahead of kite a couple seconds.

crazyherb - 22-5-2016 at 12:58 PM

It's all I ride...:P
Even on days people think they should be able to fly...


sand flea - 22-5-2016 at 03:17 PM

These are some nice kites Blitz and they will be very useable for your future endeavors.
Really, you can never have too many kites