Power Kite Forum

Cool 360 degree low wind ground loop - Zebra Z3 14m

BreakingWind - 19-6-2016 at 06:02 PM

Looks freakin cool! With a clothes line crash between two Zebra's half way through the video.


lceliz - 19-6-2016 at 06:45 PM

Thats kinda cool didnt know some kites can do a 360. So far mine hit the edge and well they go down if I force it forward more thats pretty cool.

bigkid - 19-6-2016 at 07:50 PM

I've done a 360 with the Century 13m and the yakuza 14m at the beach in the buggy.
Done it with a 6m on 150 foot lines in lite winds. Didn't have much more that 4mph wind when I did it in the buggy.
You walk around with a permagrin for a couple days afterwards.:D

Demoknight - 20-6-2016 at 07:08 AM

Doing a deadman (360 with kite) in a buggy is the most satisfying thing I have done in a buggy.

Here is a couple I did on Jekyll Island two years ago, filmed by Jason.
