Power Kite Forum


carltb - 26-6-2016 at 02:17 AM


BreakingWind - 26-6-2016 at 03:52 AM

Amazing! Thanks Carl.

Bladerunner - 26-6-2016 at 08:37 AM

Hey Carl,

I understand you are on the side lines? What happened?

I hope you bounce back and fully recover. In the mean time none of us will complain if you keep throwing together great stuff like this from your files.

I am always most impressed by the fact you are on top of all styles. I really enjoy the videos where you show them all in one. If you are stuck on ideas another compilation of all seasons and all rides never gets old!

carltb - 26-6-2016 at 08:49 AM

yea ive got footage coming out my ears so will more then likely put something else together while I'm getting back to 100%.
its my patella tendon that ive snapped and I'm at about 60% at the moment so over the worse of it. probably going to be a month or so before I'm back out kiting

Windstruck - 26-6-2016 at 01:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by carltb  
yea ive got footage coming out my ears so will more then likely put something else together while I'm getting back to 100%.
its my patella tendon that ive snapped and I'm at about 60% at the moment so over the worse of it. probably going to be a month or so before I'm back out kiting

Oh Carl, that absolutely sucks. Major injury that. Godspeed on your recovery. Was the tendon rupture in some way kite related?

carltb - 26-6-2016 at 03:42 PM

yea it was kite related but I'm also a tiler so spend a lot of time on my knees.


Windstruck - 26-6-2016 at 04:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by carltb  
yea it was kite related but I'm also a tiler so spend a lot of time on my knees.


Doh! I re-watched the landing several times and really didn't see a big impact. That really sucks. Hope you recover soon.

ssayre - 26-6-2016 at 04:24 PM

That stinks Carl. Hope you recover soon. Were you able to get some help with pack down and exiting the beach?

carltb - 27-6-2016 at 04:22 AM

@windstruck ive landed that jump a million times exactly the same and rode away. the only difference I noticed was the sand was really spongy and I presume my wheels must have dug in and the suction just kept them there.

@ssayre yea my mate was just coming in from a water session and packed all my gear away and a dog walker was immediately on the phone to the ambulance. then the coast guard came along in their 4x4 and got me off the beach. from accident to hospital mustve been 30 mins max. I just wish the recovery was as fast

Windstruck - 27-6-2016 at 08:33 AM

That's about as good a set of post-injury events as you could hope for under the circumstances.

Better start taking Bluto's advice:

B-Roc - 27-6-2016 at 09:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by carltb  
yea it was kite related but I'm also a tiler so spend a lot of time on my knees.


That stinks. And then the insult of being dragged into the water :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

How far did you have to walk to get to your car?

Great job with the "slow" video and best wishes for a full and fast recovery.

carltb - 27-6-2016 at 11:51 AM

yea I looped the kite

I was chauffeured off the beach by the coastguard to a waiting ambulance

in back at the hospital tomorrow so they can adjust the brace to fully free movement (at 90 degrees atm) itll stop any sideways moition while I restore the lost muscle mass

gemini6kl - 27-6-2016 at 04:44 PM


PHREERIDER - 27-6-2016 at 04:52 PM

ouch ! injury is tough man . i have same patellafemoral syndrone grade 1 on my dominate side, only hurts momentarily at deep flexion, first started a 2 months ago briefly, then went away(week of storms!) off and on pain for past 2 weeks, stopped riding on land a few days and got better quick, though still on the water daily without pain though i know it still stresses it. AND today after reading about what you are experiencing i completely blew off going to beach and did 0. actually went to the beach, damn phone blewing up with text, return to house to post instead.

a milion times, certainly can relate!

time and pressure with repeated mircoinjuries ... joints and muscle have limits esp. as we age. never had a problem on the water, only on ATB makes it fire. all shock load.

OVERUSE! plain and simple ---->rest! , one of the hardest things i ever had to do.

glad you are healing Carl, be patience with recovery, wishing you all the best... i have traded my ATBriding for foilriding for a while anyways, its easier on the bones!

carltb - 28-6-2016 at 07:21 AM

I think when I'm able to ride again it will more then likely be in the buggy. ill get back on a board as and when I feel confident enough. the doctor told me, the repair will be as strong as before the accident but I know my body and will only take it one step at a time.