Kcleelaws - 11-7-2016 at 11:21 AM
I'm in the Olympia area and I'm looking for nearby places to fly. I have been at Capitol lake quite a bit and before summer hit I wasn't alone in the
evenings there, I have however only seen 1 other power kite. The rest were framed stunt kites. The Capitol lake fair is setting up and has taken over
the open areas I fly in. Any other folks near bye and know of a place? I'll be looking for somewhere to to some kiteboarding on an atb one I get one
and the park at the lake has very little room for that. And there's always people who want to get close and watch. I think kiteboarding would be
hazardous there.
bigkid - 11-7-2016 at 11:32 AM
U2U sent