Power Kite Forum

What you guys mean to me

shortlineflyer - 26-7-2016 at 05:27 AM

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let all of you know that I have missed you guys and I consider many of you to be same as brothers to me. You guys are always there for each other when one of us is hurt or having a hard time. I can't wait to get to Wildwood to see all of you again. Even when I go and and the wind is dead or too much I still love being there because you all are there. You guys mean so much to me. I am so happy to be going this fall. I have actually cried before in previous years because I found out I wouldn't see you. I love all of you. See you in a few months.

See you soon,

Windstruck - 26-7-2016 at 05:40 AM

Man, that was beautiful. I'm getting a little verklempt!

All joking aside, very well said. After my recent accident I too felt "the love" in full force. :thumbup:

bugymangp - 26-7-2016 at 05:46 AM

I feel the same way I always liked kites as kid
You people are the best I always said I like kites but the
People I met and the friends I made is what makes
This hobby so great see you guys in a few months

abkayak - 26-7-2016 at 05:54 AM

:thumbup::thumbup:...ditto, good times ahead

shehatesmyhobbies - 26-7-2016 at 07:16 PM

Won't be long till the WBB family will be together again! Can't wait as well!

mainekite2 - 27-7-2016 at 02:09 PM

OH YEA:cool2: