Fisico - 7-3-2007 at 03:12 PM
new to the power kiting arena, I bought the Beamer II 3.6 last summer and only got it up a few times. I have flown four line before so there were no
surprises. The handles and kills are nice to work with. Excellent kite and lots of fun!
I am a pretty big boy, 5'9, 200lbs and I spend a lot of time in the gym but still managed to get tired out pretty fast. I fly my deltas for hours but
the Beamer was a good workout. I like the pull and the scudding I was doing.
Should I be considering a harness and what type, I have only seen the seat harness and the waist harness. I would like to do either some boarding or
Doom skating down the road.
Anyone have any thoughts?
domdino - 7-3-2007 at 03:37 PM
It's just new muscles mate and the arms above the head drain the blood and cause the lactic acid to build up
You'll soon get used to it, if you don't want to of course a harness is always nice - especially for the longer sessions.
Waist harness is much better for me - seat harnesses, and i've tried a few, always seem very constricting if you know what i mean. I love my harness,
its a maui magic one a got a few years ago now and has lasted me well but i'll probably need a new one soon.
You'll need a harness if you choose to go down the depowerable road (highly recommended for boarding! )
WolfWolfee - 7-3-2007 at 03:55 PM
Funny, I hate a waist harness. Turn on you all the time, seen guys get yanked backward really hard...ouch.
Seat harness are only as good as the fit, if it doesn't feel right it probably isn't.
It is all personal preference, regardless quick release is a must
domdino - 7-3-2007 at 04:02 PM
I think seat harnesses are definitely better for buggiers... :duh:
On a board though, waist harness all the way