I was flying at high tide, so no. but during low tide I'd be willing to bed I could ATB, but probably not with the 3.1.
Wind speed. I have no idea, but it was clean. No gusts really at all. flags were flying ALMOST straight out. 12-16mph?
So let me ask you this.....when practicing "kite skills" tell me what you would look to fine tune. I can fly the kite for days without looking at it.
Side of wind window, at zenith, and even lazy swoops without looking at the kite.
I practiced landing and utilizing the brakes in the power zone, and successfully completed about 30 landings and takeoffs on the handles and the bar.
Also did some reverse launches on both. Also turned the handles out similar to a depower bar and did some propeller turns. The Tensor doesn't react
well to this position with the handles.
But would again like feedback on what someone should focus on when flying.
I feel like I could make my own harness. I have access to a rock climbing harness. Do you think something like that would work for first?
As far as the kayak is concerned, I really just want to see the wind window while moving. I've watched videos and see the position the kite stays in
while buggying or boarding, and that's just not possible while static flying. I just want to do SOMETHING with the kite while moving.