Ringo* - 7-3-2007 at 08:57 PM
Hey all.
I just moved to the beach in San Francisco and bought a 3.5m Pro Foil to get started in this awesome-looking sport. I thought I might try
landboarding to begin with since it looks rather accessible.
Here is my question: I found a good condition MBS Comp 16 that I can get for $200. Should I take it? It's got a hand brake, but I don't assume I'll
be needing that, so I guess I could just take it off and sell it?...
By the way, I am 5'7", 160 pounds
Please let me know as soon as you can.
SecondWind - 8-3-2007 at 05:57 AM
Go for it - it's not a bad deal at all. Take the brake off and you are good to go. I had a Comp 16 and it was a very nice board (I also weigh 160).
Let us know how it goes.