conorjohn5 - 30-8-2016 at 10:20 AM
I'm willing to travel a little to ride im in middlesex county but i could use a spot to practice basic kite skills and learn to landboard but it seems
many spots that are listed some people dont seem to welcome beginners. Although help would be appreciated I'm more looking for a spot that i won't be
stepping on any toes or in anyones way
aronma - 30-8-2016 at 02:50 PM
Welcome to the Forum. I'm in Union County so we're right next door. It's tough to find good spots with enough room and good wind to ride. The
beaches in south jersey are the best after Labor Day. The Wildwood Buggy Bash is taking place in October. People will be there from the 11th -
16th, Friday and Saturday typically have the most people. It's one of the best possible places for your to ride and meet others involved in the
sport. If you're interested in learning, book a room a the shalimar and come. Bring a helmet.
hiaguy - 30-8-2016 at 03:01 PM
Listen to aronma; the master knows of what he speaks.
conorjohn5 - 30-8-2016 at 06:56 PM
I know of the festival I'm going to try to stop by on the 11th but i leave for st lucia the 12th although I'm getting kiteboarding lessons there so i
guess its a fair substitute
abkayak - 31-8-2016 at 05:50 AM
welcome...always best to get to a beach after hours
NJ parks become more accepting of kites when the summer crowd thins out, if you have a local spot
dont force the issue to fly now...pick your times wisely, buddy up to staff and or save it for the fall and winter