Originally posted by deanaoxo
Weds Night Meeting 6 pm tent
Thurs 1 pm Circuit Racing
Fri 1 pm Rag Flappers
Beginner Racing Clinics TBA
Freestyle Clinic by David Sabilino TBA
Explore the whole lake with the Lama as our guide TBA conditions warrant.
Shot car racing nightly, see the mayor.
Folks, this year, we will have several white boards with continuous updates posted throughout buggy town.
Remember, if you want something, ask.
I will need you volunteers to help, so get with me early on i'll have a sign up sheet for you.
thanks and looking forward to some aoxo~!
As most of you know, if the wind don't blow, we can't go, but be prepared for multiple organized activities to miraculously take place. Ear to the
ground to participate. |