Memopad - 18-1-2017 at 05:32 PM
I don't even know where to start... yesterday I replaced the depower line on my Speed 3. Fairly easy, I had to unwind the bar inside so I had a pile
of line, but I didn't think I crossed anything when I did the work and wound it back up. I don't know if it's related to my problem or not at this
So today I set up the kite for a session, launch it, and the tips get tangled up in the bridles as the kite is inflating in the air. The bar was also
tilted so the right side was futher out than left. I couldn't tell what was going on since the tips were wrapped up, but I decided to land the kite
and straighten things out and start fresh. On landing, of course the kite gets super twisted and hour glasses itself.
I got it laid out straight, and thought I got the lines untangled (by pulling a corner through, etc etc) but I noticed the left side bridle had a
weird twist in it. Some of the front bridles on the left side were twisted around the rear bridles. I spent about an hour screwing around with it, but
could NOT figure out the problem, or even where to start in fixing things. HOly freaking complicated bridles I was burning daylight, so I through everything back in the bag for now.
I don't know how in the hell I'm going to fix the kite, it's basically unflyable at this point, and I don't have anywhere inside my house big enough
to lay it out and play with it.
Where does a noob like me start? I have the manual with the line diagrams so I guess I can disconnect everything and start from scratch, but holy crap
that looks like a nightmare.
gemini6kl - 18-1-2017 at 06:38 PM
Bridel lines never really get tangled as its a closed loop. sometimes the kite itself can pass through the bridle lines and create a weird looking
tangle in the kite. open the kite up at the park or beach. take a good look at the good side of the kite and then look at the bad side and take your
time. . you may have to pass the actual fabric of the kite back through the tangle on the bad side. Or you may just have to pass the lines through
each other on the bad side to get everything straight. . the key is to look at the good side and compare as you go along. its easier also to leave
the lines connected and don't release the kite to the safety unless you really have too. Don't overthink this project and go slowly.
Kamikuza - 18-1-2017 at 06:45 PM
You may have to disconnect the lines but that is the most you'll need.
You'll have to lay it out so go to a park on a windless day.
Notice the four rows of bridles, A, B, C and Z, from the LE to the TE.
A, B, and C are one side of the mixer, Z is the other.
What happens in bow ties is the wing tip goes into the bridles and when you lay it out flat again you've probably pulled the bridle behind the kite
and over to the other side. That's all. If you've thrown the bar through the bridles then it's the same thing. If you've taken the lines of, same
again but with smaller sections of bridle...
So lay the kite out flat.
Locate the mixer and hold the pig tails for the lines on one side eg. Right hand side.
Pull out the lines so the mixer is tidy, with the front lines up and the steering lines down.
Hold them up and walk them out straight.
You should be able to spot where the twist is now.
Easiest way to fix is remove the lines, but I'd tie the mixer pig tails to a stick to stop them looping around inside themselves.
Now just follow your instinct. You may have to work the whole wing tip back through, or you may be able to just flip the bridles, but take the time to
do it slowly and carefully, and learn what happens when you do this or that. You'll notice when you add twists instead of remove them...
Just don't undo anything!
You'll get used it, and even the worst looking tangles tangles fave sorted in minutes.
Memopad - 18-1-2017 at 07:12 PM
Yeah I undid the main lines from where they attach to the start of the bridle system, and MAY have crossed the bridle side in the process of
re-attaching. I figured it was just from the wing passing through a bridle, but I couldn't figure it out on the lake. Stupid me. I literally spent an
hour on it and was about to douse in gas, that's when I packed it up and got another kite out.
Memopad - 21-1-2017 at 11:25 AM
Well I won't know for sure until I fly the kite again, but I think I got it fixed. Took 3 pairs of hands, but the bridles look to be tangle free. I'll
have to lay everything out to check the line lengths, might need to adjust my new depower line length, but I think I'm good to go! Thanks for the