Power Kite Forum

Peak 3

icikite - 29-1-2017 at 10:36 AM

Somebody try it? Need some feedback from users. Thanks

Windstruck - 29-1-2017 at 12:31 PM

Hi icikite. As youve likely seen, we have a Flysurfer Peak fanboy and fangirl thread in this same section of PKF. A few of us have started to post therein about the P3. Someone from another power kite site (XK) had posted a comparison of the P3 and P2 found in a German magazine. I wrote about it here:


I've got a 4m, 6m, and 12m P3 quiver on order from Chris (feyd) at Hardwater but haven't received them yet. Things seem to be just getting going here in the US. I suspect a fair number of people will get some new ones in the coming months so a few of us should be able to constructively answer your questions.

vtliter - 30-1-2017 at 02:08 PM

Also interested in this. Windstruck, the link you provided is broken

OffAxis - 30-1-2017 at 02:59 PM

I think this is the discussion he is referencing: http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=30725 and go to the last page.

Windstruck - 31-1-2017 at 09:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by OffAxis  
I think this is the discussion he is referencing: http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=30725 and go to the last page.

Thanks, that's right.