Power Kite Forum

the well shredded field

CHICKENKOOP - 22-2-2017 at 02:28 PM

had excellent day last week dry powder. untouched field, winds
10-18 mph steady from the south. brite sunny.
getting my telemark turns with kite down pat.
I have found tele turns are powerful because I end up low in a powerful position after the turn.
I tried to cover the whole field, but needed more day.

track log.jpg - 141kBtracks.jpg - 204kB

Windstruck - 22-2-2017 at 02:45 PM

Super cool that you're pin heading while snowkiting. Did you ever feel as if you would get pulled forward into a tumble, sort of akin to going over the handlebars?

abkayak - 22-2-2017 at 02:58 PM

:thumbup::thumbup:...looks like a bunch of skiing going on there

OffAxis - 22-2-2017 at 05:00 PM


indigo_wolf - 22-2-2017 at 07:22 PM

Time to put together a grooming crew.....



CHICKENKOOP - 23-2-2017 at 09:49 AM

never feel pulled forward by kite mostly dry snow and ice patch is bad. on the ice doing 25 then onto dry drift snow, Whammo! 15 mph!
if I get into tele stance before the dry snow it helps a lot. in the alpine stance is when its worse.
no need to groom that field we've had 60s since Saturday. those tracks are back to ice base:(

Windstruck - 23-2-2017 at 01:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CHICKENKOOP  
never feel pulled forward by kite mostly dry snow and ice patch is bad. on the ice doing 25 then onto dry drift snow, Whammo! 15 mph!
if I get into tele stance before the dry snow it helps a lot. in the alpine stance is when its worse.
no need to groom that field we've had 60s since Saturday. those tracks are back to ice base:(

I know exactly what you mean about tele vs alpine stance and being stable. I tele exclusively at this point. I drop a knee when making transitions even if I'm on a straightaway and don't "need" to turn. Hit a snow bluff, patch of sticky snow, what have you, all much easier to navigate from down low.

Bummer about the high temps.