Well, I tweaked the skates some but it ended in failure.
I realized that I needed longer axles (bolts) for the wheels in order to straighten the rails out more perpendicular. After getting that in order, I
was still getting some wheel rub on the front but it was from the front of the frame rather than the rails.
So, I moved the front wheels forward to the next hole on the rails. Then I tested them on some downhills. Soon after during my attempts I had a fall
and bent the left front rails and wheel over about 45 degrees.
So those rails are toast pretty much now.
I think I also realized that anything longer than a standard coyote wheelbase isn't good for downhills as you need to be able to turn quickly and
effectively and I don't think any doom wheels or skis with wheels are going to be the right choice for this application.
Oh well, I still have my other Coyotes with modded frames that have 2 200x30? or 8x1.25 wheels that have worked well for downhill and general use.
I just wanted to try some fatter wheels with more cushioning that might could also allow a lower psi and still work well enough.