Power Kite Forum

Wanted: Flexifoil Blade 4.9/Peter Lynn Twister 4m

IFlyKites - 1-8-2017 at 04:17 PM

Looking for a Flexifoil Blade 4.9/4m or Peter Lynn Twister 4m. Would prefer complete. I have a Rage 4.7m that I have flown and it doesn't provide the lift I want. So looking for a liftier kite.

tomdiving - 6-8-2017 at 06:57 AM


there was a IV 4.9 recently on ebay. it's gone.
260 on amazon, KO, free shipping.

IFlyKites - 6-8-2017 at 09:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by tomdiving  

there was a IV 4.9 recently on ebay. it's gone.
260 on amazon, KO, free shipping.

Thanks Tom. I saw that IV 4.9 on eBay. Was going to bid on it but didn't get a chance.

I'll wait a few more weeks to see if any used ones show up and then take the one on Amazon. Looking for a low/mid wind kite for lift. It will have to be my only kite so 4.9m might be the most ideal size. Maybe will take a look at a 5/6.5m PL Voltage if I could find a deal on one.

IFlyKites - 6-8-2017 at 01:58 PM

Are the new Flexifoil Blades any different than the IV or V's? It seems that it's just the color scheme, but no actual changes in the structure of the kite/bridles?

another ebay blade up

tomdiving - 29-8-2017 at 11:31 AM


22 hours left as of 2:30pm tuesday