sadly ive not had much time to get out in my buggy due to lack of time but i have been reading and looking around.
i have seen that many peoples buggies have foot buggy has flat pedals which i have covered in rubber mat for grip but have now decided to
make some straps and see how i get on with them.
i will get a photo up of mine soon but they will be made of 2" webbing and will hang down like little hammocks so that you rest heel on the webbing
whilst ball of foot is on the flat plat.
does that sound like how they should be done?slapbasswoody - 29-9-2017 at 06:48 AM
If you are looking to have heel straps then 2" blower belts do the job very well.
Other than that you can use leather or even a conveyor belt cut to size.
BeamerBob - 29-9-2017 at 09:06 AM
You're on the right track. I have mine adjusted so the.arch of my foot is on the footrest. You can sort of see it in my avatar. indigo_wolf - 29-9-2017 at 04:44 PM
You can do a search on the forum for the terms "stirrups" or better yet "heel straps" to view pictures of what other people have done. Sadly some of
the pictures hosted on Photobucket won't display due to recent changes on that website requiring the owners to make some changes.
Yes and if you use webbing for heel straps leave some extra length, as when the weave fills with crud it shortens them over time.
Windstruck - 29-9-2017 at 05:19 PM
The photo below shows my solution which I copied from several other people. The foot pegs are stock that came with the front fork of a PL BF+ that I
covered with bicycle hand grips and bar ends. I like the bar ends for two reasons, first because they provide a good place to hang the heel straps
from, and second because on bumpy terrain it is possible for your feet to bounce off the foot pegs which can make you get squirrelly all of a sudden.
I've read here on PKF and experienced myself one of the downsides of this heel strap design. When you tip your buggy or get yanked in an OBE it is
possible to get you feet tangled as compared to coming cleanly free from the buggy. I haven't gotten hurt from this, but I do see how it might be
possible to twist your knee awkwardly if lucks breaks just the wrong way for you. Most of the time these are fine, but occasionally you may get hung
up so just know that going in.
Personally I like to adjust the length such that I'm a little above the ball of my foot on the peg but not quite to the arch. You'll no doubt find
your own sweet spot after a bit of trial and error.
I chose strong two inch thick webbing and sturdy clips, both of which I picked up at a nice camping supply store.
windstruck what is that on left hand side behind seat tucked under frame ? looks like a grey plastic bottle.
More likely stainless.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner Sam! Yes, that bottle is stainless. Where you are all wrong, however, is its use. That's actually my Nitros canister
that I use to power up to create apparent wind during the lulls. :evil:
OK..... it's a water bottle... but it is SS as Sam noted. I used to have it up on my downtube, but once I mounted my GPS and phone up there I ran out
of room. The underside of the rear tube heading down towards the rear axle just makes sense and sort of tucks it in there. I can't reach it during
riding, but once stopped I can get to it easily enough.
What I want to do is fashion a mount of some sort for the underside of the other back tube to secure the uber-cool kite stake I recently came into
possession of from the venerable eric67m. That thing is AWESOME. :DWindstruck - 30-9-2017 at 03:15 PM
TestWindstruck - 30-9-2017 at 03:16 PM
Test2eric67m - 30-9-2017 at 03:27 PM
Microphone check 1,2,3
We hear you loud and clear buddy.Cheddarhead - 30-9-2017 at 03:56 PM
I made foot straps out of an old leather belt that I no longer used. Repurposing at it's finest.Windstruck - 1-10-2017 at 08:37 AM