anyone have an extra rev training dvd for sale? it looks like i'll be picking up a freilein exodus very soon as a gift for my brother.
we only have foil experience and know nothing about this kite type.
is all of the info on the rev dvd available on youtube? i've seen some vids there but didn't really pay much attention to the content.
the kite will be coming from Jon and Marieanne Trennepohl's shop in michigan. at the moment, i think that this is the only rev-type kite that they
have for sale. otherwise i'd go for a vertigo, as per riffclown's prior recommendation.
tom cheezycheese - 20-10-2017 at 10:02 AM
Until you find a dvd, check out this guys channel. Lots of good Rev info and lessons.... and free indigo_wolf - 20-10-2017 at 11:02 AM
That covers basics. The Revolution Advanced Flying DVD can be found for sale ($12) over on the Kite Connection website.
tomdiving - 20-10-2017 at 05:25 PM
the helpfulness constantly exhibited on this forum is nothing short of incredible.
i thank you all.
tom tomdiving - 20-10-2017 at 05:27 PM
mr. cheese, i'm not sure whom you are referring to.
tom Dayhiker - 20-10-2017 at 05:56 PM
There is plenty of help for new quad sport wing fliers on KiteLife. There is a large active group there eager to answer any questions. The typical
advice for a new flier is to try and connect with an experienced flier to help overcome the initial learning curve. I did not have access to any help
when I began & it took me a couple sessions to get going. The Rev forum is not too active these days but a bunch of reading there can also be of
assistance. The major clue I would give a beginner is to steer with your brakes. This type of kite is very sensitive to inputs responding quickly.
Remember to use small movements on the handles. Your quad foil experience will be useful no doubt. Much more can be said but mostly I say go for it.
Bottom line, let me know if you don't find what you are looking for.. I'll get you a DVD, BUT you'll get more out of the kitelife tutorials.. the Rev
DVD's are more like quick basics and long advertisements..
tomdiving - 26-10-2017 at 05:40 AM
just discovered that a guy i've known for a few years as a bike mechanic is also a pretty darn good flyer. he's going to build me a kite and i'll be
taking lessons from him.
he LOVES the symphony 2.2.4 that you gave to him.
brett marchel happens to be that guy and speaks very highly of you.
tom riffclown - 5-11-2017 at 12:42 PM
I am honored to read this.. Thank you for closing that loop.. Modded, the Symphony is hard to beat for learning quadline.. It still flies like a dual
and steps up to the quad world pretty readily. Please pass on to Brett that some Symphony video is still desired! I really want to see what others
are doing with this special little foil..Randy - 5-11-2017 at 01:12 PM
If the wind ever blows, I will be trying out my (just finished?) Symphony 2.2.4 from riffclown's plans as well. Randy - 6-11-2017 at 03:33 PM
Video from today's flight on the Symphony thread. Wind a little light, but you get the idea
ran across the video today. will sit down and go though it tomorrow on a rainy day.
if anyone wants to save the video, use with a normal comcast cable account, it downloaded in less than 3 minutes.
videograbby is fast for instructional stuff. it will no longer save music videos, though. it'll also reject instructional stuff if the author used a
commercial song to go with it.