Power Kite Forum

Message not posting from phone

windrider1 - 15-2-2018 at 02:40 PM

BeamerBob - 15-2-2018 at 03:05 PM

Second try. I have typed out many posts that just go away when I finish. It diminishes my desire to check in.

Windstruck - 15-2-2018 at 03:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BeamerBob  
Second try. I have typed out many posts that just go away when I finish. It diminishes my desire to check in.

Bob many of us share your frustration. Newer versions of Apple IOS systems seem to screw things up when you use special characters such as hyphens. Try writing out your words without such characters and I suspect it will work. Pain in the seat meat but there it is.

jeffnyc - 15-2-2018 at 04:20 PM

It's less an Apple problem, and more that this bulletin board doesn't support unicode. The quotes, apostrophes etc... IOS uses are typographically correct (and have been around a lot longer than the 30 years I've been a designer).

Having said that - I would bet there's a way to turn that feature off, but I would guess it would do it system wide. So if you text me with straight quotes instead of curly quotes I will be angry! A designer's wrath consists of a lot of muttering followed by "Yes sir, I would be happy to make that logo bigger for you".

I'll see if I can find the switch (and if it works here) and update in a following post...

jeffnyc - 15-2-2018 at 04:22 PM

Testing, "testing", 'testing', testing...

jeffnyc - 15-2-2018 at 04:27 PM

Super easy, kids. Click on Settings icon > General > Keyboard > Smart Punctuation (turn that off)

"You can now turn all your apostrophes to feet, and your quotes to inches!" (And post to this forum from your IOS device!)

shehatesmyhobbies - 15-2-2018 at 06:39 PM

Nothing worse than having to think about the way you are typing so you can post. It's my test time!

shehatesmyhobbies - 15-2-2018 at 06:40 PM

Yup it worked

BeamerBob - 16-2-2018 at 07:41 AM

Well I've made the settings changes and purposely left a contraction in there.

It worked! I'm back! Thanks for the advice.

B-Roc - 16-2-2018 at 07:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Windstruck  

Bob many of us share your frustration. Newer versions of Apple IOS systems seem to screw things up when you use special characters such as hyphens.

The new iOS is the worst ever. I will try the keyboard settings fix but my biggest complaint with the new iOS is that my GPS now works maybe 50% of the time and never when I first open a mapping app or Waze. I need to be driving for a good 15 minutes before it finds my real location. If I'm walking, it won't find me at all and keeps telling me "try going outside". And Siri is getting dumber and dumber with her auto-corrections. I really wish there was an easy way to revert to older iOS versions.

Windstruck - 16-2-2018 at 08:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jeffnyc  
Super easy, kids. Click on Settings icon > General > Keyboard > Smart Punctuation (turn that off)

"You can now turn all your apostrophes to feet, and your quotes to inches!" (And post to this forum from your IOS device!)

You da man! I'm super excited!

jeffnyc - 16-2-2018 at 11:11 AM

Sure. Sorry it took me so long to look into it - I constantly have to deal with the opposite problem when I get text files from excel. Took less than a minute to find when I actually put my mind to it...

A better solution would be an update to the board - is there a newer version?

jeffnyc - 16-2-2018 at 11:41 AM


I need to be driving for a good 15 minutes before it finds my real location.

B-Roc - I have the same thing when I try to get directions when I first get in my car outside my building - my guess is I'm sitting just close enough to my wifi, and it's just weak enough to not let LTE take over. A soft reset usually fixes it. I'm going to try resetting location services next time it happens and see if that works. If you have an iPhone 6, the flex cable might be hosed (you can get it fixed I think for 60 bucks or so). But try some of these things first and see if any of it helps:

BeamerBob - 16-2-2018 at 02:34 PM

It feels good to be able to participate in the forum again. I feel like I've become reacquainted with a dear old friend. :thumbup:

shehatesmyhobbies - 16-2-2018 at 05:07 PM

@bob :thumbup::lol:

B-Roc - 16-2-2018 at 05:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jeffnyc  


I need to be driving for a good 15 minutes before it finds my real location.

B-Roc - I have the same thing when I try to get directions when I first get in my car outside my building - my guess is I'm sitting just close enough to my wifi, and it's just weak enough to not let LTE take over. A soft reset usually fixes it. I'm going to try resetting location services next time it happens and see if that works. If you have an iPhone 6, the flex cable might be hosed (you can get it fixed I think for 60 bucks or so). But try some of these things first and see if any of it helps:

It is a 6s and I have tried all those things with the exception of the flex cable which I've never heard of. Thanks for sharing.

khaakon - 16-3-2018 at 08:56 AM

My tip for posting on PKF (having a Norwegian keyboard..);

* Write your post, and then, before you actually post it:

* MARK all text, then COPY it, then PREVIEW your post first. That way you see if the text will be lost before you post it and loose it. If the post goes blank, you can paste back your text and edit any special characters to make the phorum software accept your post.

* This way you don't have to write everything one more time, which we all agree can be very annoying and discourage writing (long) posts.

Happy posting !!

jeffnyc - 16-3-2018 at 11:09 AM

Yes, the preference change I mentioned above only works for quotes, ellipsis, probably ligatures. But most likely won't help with other characters outside ANSI or ASCII or whatever is being used here. Meaning languages with diacritics might still kill your posts. Anyone using straight up English should be fine with the fix.


I was about to write up why this happens, but a simple search is much better - in case anyone is really interested in this. Part of my job is designing typefaces (and I occasionally do a little programming), so this subject is near and dear to my heart...
What's the difference between ASCII and UNICODE:

indigo_wolf - 16-3-2018 at 08:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jeffnyc  
Meaning languages with diacritics might still kill your posts. Anyone using straight up English should be fine with the fix.

Unless your English uses the UK pound or EU euro currency symbols, which I believe with also cause the forum software to throw hairballs and speak in tongues.


indigo_wolf - 16-3-2018 at 08:39 PM

If all else fails....


will strip offensive characters before posting if you don't want to make system wide changed.


jeffnyc - 16-3-2018 at 09:29 PM



Hey - good one IW. Didn't think to look for a web based converter.

Pretty much anything that uses the option key on your keyboard is going to cough up fur balls here.