Power Kite Forum

Control Bar on my HQ corssfire 6.3?

ckyhl - 9-4-2007 at 11:52 AM

Hey I was thinking about puting a control bar on my crossfire 6.3. I was thinking it would be better since i am usually on my mountain board or snowboard with it. Any suggestions?

Bladerunner - 9-4-2007 at 08:27 PM

I put the crossover bar that Pablo shows in a previous thread on my 7m Bullet and love it. The 2:1 brake set up makes it so you can power a turn with no brakes or loop it with full brake if you pull the bar fully. I use a stock static loop ( with q.r. ) from my old Naish bar to hook in and it works great. Nice easy one handed steering and a solid feel when being lifted. If you already have an old bar it only takes 3 pulleys and some extra line. I recommend a swivel pulley for your center safety pulley if you can get one.