Power Kite Forum

Save me a place in 2005!

doomwheels - 17-3-2004 at 12:28 PM

Greetings desert buds!
It's been great following all the SBBB posts lately... really looks like it's going to be a great event this year. Maybe the best ever!

Sadly, I will not be joining in the fun this time. Work and stuff will keep me close to home until the fall. I'll only be attending a few of my regular gigs such as the Winter Tour (just finished in Silvaplana), the Engadin Wind kitesurfing world cup and some buggy races in the north. Looks like I won't be making any state-side events until 2005. Your cars and trucks will be safe for at least one more year. :P

So, I just wanted to say hey to all and hope you guyz have perfect conditions! Catch ya'll next time.

PS: Since SBBB 2003, Petra has taken to kiteskating and will be sporting her own pair of skates next time we see you all.


We're gonna hafta settle for "NervousWheels"?

Lack-O-Slack - 17-3-2004 at 02:22 PM

Ah, crap... no Doomwheels this year! Was lookin' forward to some runs through the puckerbumps with ya! And no Petra definitely impacts the beauty of the whole affair, dammit!

Sorry you had to give us a miss this year, Bob... convey my greetings to your new skate-junkie and don't work too hard; the work will always be there, but ten thousand maniacs with buggies only happens once a year! We'll miss ya! -the Doolster

deanaoxo - 19-3-2004 at 12:17 PM

Well Bob o Doom, it's a shame and for sure, but we are gonna miss ya, and DO look forward to seeing your smiling face and of course yer better half!

Meanwhile, we are working to make the event better than ever, so stay tuned, and thanks for all the help!
