Power Kite Forum

WBB Fall 2018 Countdown & Roll Call

hiaguy - 14-8-2018 at 06:44 PM

Only 55 days to WBB Fall 2018!
Dates: October 8th through the 14th :wee:

As always, this is a NAPKA event; $30 annual membership fee is required to become a NAPKA member. This is necessary to ensure we have the required insurance for the event. (NAPKA membership is only required for those that are buggying/boarding.) Helmets and buggy number plates are required. Members, please ensure that your membership is current - if you're not sure, shoot me a U2U.

Register for NAPKA here: https://www.napka.org/membership.php

Reservations at the Shalimar Resort
(mention the Buggy Bash when you call for our awesome rate)
6405 Atlantic Ave, Wildwood Crest
(800) 956-6925‬

Camping is available, but you should really stay at the Shalimar (it's where all the cool kids hang out :cool: )

Seashore campgrounds
720 Seashore Rd, Cape May, NJ
(800) 313-2267

Beachcomber campgrounds
462 seashore Rd, Cape May, NJ
(800) 866-6035

cheezycheese - 14-8-2018 at 07:14 PM

That's what I'm talking about!! Might beat you there this year Howard. :D

hiaguy - 14-8-2018 at 07:24 PM

The 8th (Monday) is Thanksgiving here in the Great White North, but I plan on spending that day in the car - getting to the Shalimar by about 8pm.
(If the current plans change, I might be there as early as Saturday the 6th, but it's not looking good.)
Ines' attendance is still a question mark, but we're optimistic that she'll get there.

cheezycheese - 14-8-2018 at 07:55 PM

Fingers crossed

jeffnyc - 15-8-2018 at 10:52 AM

lol - I can't even believe this... most of that week is already booked up - I'll be in Massachusetts. I'll try to hold the beginning of the week open, but this is just getting silly.

cheezycheese - 15-8-2018 at 10:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jeffnyc  
lol - I can't even believe this... most of that week is already booked up - I'll be in Massachusetts. I'll try to hold the beginning of the week open, but this is just getting silly.

Look Jeff, we're all getting sick of this. You have a choice to make - feed your family or come play on the beach with your pals.

bugymangp - 16-8-2018 at 04:15 PM

Do I even need to answer this question?????

shehatesmyhobbies - 16-8-2018 at 04:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bugymangp  
Do I even need to answer this question?????

Nope not at all!

Can't wait to see everyone! Thanks Howard for putting up this post! Fantastic! Now it's official!

hiaguy - 29-8-2018 at 02:48 PM

Only 40 days to WBB Fall 2018!

Call the Shalimar and get your room booked!

If you're in the mood to post items for sale at WBB, here's as good a place as any.

Dates: October 8th through the 14th :wee:

WELDNGOD - 30-8-2018 at 01:00 PM

Not looking good for me. Got medical issues requiring me to be out of workfor a straight week. If I use vacation ,I won't have any for wwbb. If I take the monetary loss, I don't think I can recover from it in 1 month. No OT right now.... :(

cheezycheese - 30-8-2018 at 01:29 PM

Say it isn't so... :(

shehatesmyhobbies - 30-8-2018 at 02:23 PM

Feel your pain Donnie. Heading under the knife next Thursday myself, I will be outta work for two weeks at least, but I'm still going to figure a way to WBB.

Make sure to take care of yourself. We will miss you not being there but we know you will return when you are healthy.

hiaguy - 16-9-2018 at 06:54 PM

Only 22 days to WBB Fall 2018!

Looking at the NAPKA pilots list, there are quite a few regulars that have let their membership expire. Come on guys, NAPKA provides the liability insurance that we need to satisfy the permit requirements at WBB. Please renew your membership in advance of the event.
(If you're not sure if you're expired or not, feel free to U2U me.)

Really looking forward to seeing you all :wee:

jeffnyc - 16-9-2018 at 09:52 PM

Heh - glad I did the auto renew... I'm king of forgetting that stuff. Which reminds me... think I still have to do the form again, huh...

24K_Hugs - 19-9-2018 at 10:08 AM

Just booked the hotel from the 12th to the 14th!
Ill see you guys on the sand! I just need to join the NAPKA.

shehatesmyhobbies - 19-9-2018 at 01:46 PM

Welcome 24k. I will surely see you when you arrive. Ask for me when you get there someone will point you to me.


aronma - 19-9-2018 at 02:59 PM

Someone please post pics for me. I'm having withdrawals already. I'll need to stay the full week in the fall to make up.

hiaguy - 19-9-2018 at 04:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by aronma  
I'll need to stay the full week in the fall to make up.

We'll hold you to that.
In the meantime, you'll be AWOL for a good cause. How many years is this for you and your girlfriend?

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-9-2018 at 03:51 PM

Only 10 rooms booked, where's everyone at. Let's get them rooms booked and get ready to get this party started!

EDBsKites - 22-9-2018 at 09:45 AM

Id love to be drive over on Saturday and Sunday, but as I am a poor 18 rear old college student, I'm not sure if I can spend the money on a hotel room. If some gracious sould would allow me to crash in their floor a night or two that would be awesome. If not hopefully I'll be able to make it for just Saturday.


cheezycheese - 22-9-2018 at 11:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by EDBsKites  
Id love to be drive over on Saturday and Sunday, but as I am a poor 18 rear old college student, I'm not sure if I can spend the money on a hotel room. If some gracious sould would allow me to crash in their floor a night or two that would be awesome. If not hopefully I'll be able to make it for just Saturday.


More than one person looking to share a room. Check Wildwood buggy bash FB page. Maybe you guys can work it out. 3 way would be pretty darn cheap.

shehatesmyhobbies - 22-9-2018 at 11:29 AM

EdBskite, I see a Delaware area code on there. Where in DE are you located. Are you just learning? Board or buggy?

EDBsKites - 22-9-2018 at 01:14 PM

I've been flying kites for a while, I've gotten pretty decent on landboarding and on the water but just haven't had the time this summer to really use my buggy. In in northern Delaware almost PA. Hopefully you guys can steer me in the right direction on my buggy.

hiaguy - 22-9-2018 at 02:05 PM

Ed, you're in the right neighborhood! Rich needs a reason (excuse) to get out of the house for something other than work.
Showing up at Wildwood will be the best way to get good in your buggy quickly. :wee:

hiaguy - 24-9-2018 at 05:23 PM

Only 13 days to WBB Fall 2018!
Hopefully by the time we get there, the beach-rakers will have left for the season :wee:

BeachRake.jpg - 129kB

BEC - 26-9-2018 at 05:30 AM

I am sorry that I have not been on social media or the computer lately.......however my stress level and home life are much better due to this so.....

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm super pumped as usual to be going to my favorite event in the whole world.....that's right with my pink hula skirt and my kites already packed. No feeling like screaming like a girl while doing some down turns and powerslides.........Can't wait see you all in a couple weeks.



Glx - 26-9-2018 at 05:49 PM

Room is booked. Getting there Thursday around noon and leaving Sunday.

shehatesmyhobbies - 27-9-2018 at 04:20 AM

Times flying by my friends! Time to start packing!

bugymangp - 27-9-2018 at 05:59 AM

I started packing kites yesterday today I go over buggy ie repack bearing
Air up tires etc I'm really looking forward to get back in the buggy

cheezycheese - 27-9-2018 at 07:23 AM

Last one on the beach buys the beer... :cool:

bugymangp - 27-9-2018 at 10:15 AM

I just finished going over buggy all set to ride
I'm looking at a pile of stuff just begging to be used
Won't be long now
Is it to early to pray to the wind gods to smile on us

24K_Hugs - 28-9-2018 at 06:42 AM

Just Joined NAPKA and paid my dues! US404!!

Just one week left! I am buying my first depower to bring with me - Gin Eskimo 8M. I can't wait!

New Brewery

jrhook - 7-10-2018 at 01:39 AM

Awesome place called Mud Hen

cheezycheese - 7-10-2018 at 06:33 AM

Packing up and on the road by 1. Whooooohooo....

shehatesmyhobbies - 7-10-2018 at 06:58 AM

JR we tried to check it out when it opened in the spring, it was way too busy then. I did however get a tour of the brewery side before they opened. I was impressed. Looking forward to checking out their stuff this time around

jrhook - 7-10-2018 at 05:44 PM

The meat lovers Mac and cheese is ridiculous!

abkayak - 8-10-2018 at 07:00 AM

are you guys gonna fly and throw up some pics
or will we be trading pot roast recipes latter today...

flyguy0101 - 8-10-2018 at 08:53 AM

Schedule change:thumbup::thumbup: I will be arriving around lunch time on Wednesday car is loaded only 2 more sleeps woohoo

flyguy0101 - 8-10-2018 at 08:54 AM

Rich- please tell me the tractors are not there????

jeffnyc - 8-10-2018 at 09:13 AM

Whoohoo! Booked for tomorrow night - arrive tomorrow morning, staying till I can't take it anymore Wednesday. Looking forward to putting faces to the screen names!

24k_hugs is still the better noob choice - you will have fun rag dolling him around the beach. I'm getting too old for this. I have granny wheels on my board for a reason...

shehatesmyhobbies - 8-10-2018 at 12:53 PM

Scott, no tractors huge beach at low tide with the exception of a tidal pond in a couple spots

jrhook - 9-10-2018 at 06:59 PM

Best time ever at Wildwood...so sad to cut out today. God I love this family! Enjoy the rest of the party everybody. Pics and vids soon...