Power Kite Forum

amazing lakebed photos and dust devil video

ickyrex - 19-4-2007 at 08:48 PM

Here are links to some cool photo work by Jeff Alu.
He spends a lot of time on the dry lake beds, especially El mirage.
cool stuff, worth finding the dancing with the devild video. Well done.



jonesing4wind - 20-4-2007 at 04:33 AM

that first DD in the vid was the tightest and one of the tallest I have ever seen. Looks like a drinking straw it is so tight and well formed..... Very neat!


action jackson - 20-4-2007 at 05:06 AM

Theres no place like home...........Theres no place like home.........Theres no place like home..........aj

blown - 21-4-2007 at 10:47 PM

very cool video!! How close could one safely fly to one of these things.:frog: I would imagine kite to be a tangled mess if sucked on by the devil:evil::evil: