BigSiler - 26-4-2007 at 05:23 PM
Beautiful day, miles of beach with No one anywhere.... And I couldnt get going... Grrrrrrrrrr ...
Wind was at 5 mph and my Samurai 5m just wasnt cutting it..Would Switching to the Blade Iv 4.9m today made any difference (I didnt bring it) in my
landbard Attempt ??
What do YOU guys think ?? I have samurai's and a Blade..I Like the Pull of the samurai's..
Should I just get a bigger samurai or should I now be switching to a different Style and size? A more Intermediate Kite ??
Or would the Blade have flown better then the samurai's today??
Thanks Mucho
samurai 3m, 5m
Blade IV 4.9m
MBS 26
GI Patrol
Pablo - 26-4-2007 at 06:34 PM
Simply too little wind for a 5m size kite, in 5mph I'm flying a 13m Century, If you've got the 5m Sammy, I'd track down a 7-9m kite to go with it. 7m
Bullets can be found for cheap, 8.5m Blades are legendary in lower winds.
action jackson - 26-4-2007 at 07:10 PM
32m nasa wing!...............aj
BigSiler - 26-4-2007 at 07:15 PM
That is One WILD Looking Kite..
SecondWind - 26-4-2007 at 07:20 PM
Very cool AJ - and with a Dirtsurfer
B-Roc - 27-4-2007 at 09:24 AM
I agree with Pablo. I'm 145#s and if the winds are in the 5mph range I'm flying my 8.5 Blade III. 5m kites are better around 12mph depending upon
your weight.
If you want to fly in those conditions you need something 7m or larger depending upon your weight.
acampbell - 27-4-2007 at 10:11 AM
My Blave IV 4.9 starts flying around 5.5 kts, or 6 mph if it's steady.
Add one more mph and I can get a very leasurly ride in the bug. It does a tad better than my PL Reactor 4.9 in this regard.