Anyone have any suggestions for a four line kite for a child. 8 year old, want to get him started on kiting and thought it would be nice to get a
four line kite for him to get use too.DenisLaMenace - 1-5-2007 at 08:02 PM
I have an ozone IMP 2 lines with bar size 1.0m that my 5yo kid plays with. Pretty solid and easy to fly.
Ozone just release the new IMP quattro (4lines + handles) in various sizes: 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.5; 4.5m.
but not sure if they are in store yet.Pablo - 1-5-2007 at 08:35 PM
My 7yr old daughter loves her 0.7m Buster, anything 1.5m or smaller should be ok as long as you keep an eye on the winds he's flying it in.Tigger - 2-5-2007 at 01:51 AM
SkyTiger-18, Orange & Gold, includes handles and Q-Power Line sets ($95.00 value) Total Price: $100.00 US Dollars; - Cash.
The kite is new, the technology is old.joecat - 2-5-2007 at 05:37 AM
hey Guys,
Thanks for the replys,,, alot of good info and ideas, I will be checking into them all..........tedsfoils - 2-5-2007 at 05:44 AM
Originally posted by joecat
Anyone have any suggestions for a four line kite for a child. 8 year old, want to get him started on kiting and thought it would be nice to get a
four line kite for him to get use too.
I have one 1.0m Profoil RTF with lines $50.00 and a 1.5m Profoil RTF with lines $60.00sockhat - 2-5-2007 at 08:28 AM
Hey Ted~
I don't want to mess up Joecat's deal, but if he doesn't buy these from you...I will !
I'm looking for BIG wind kites that my wife and I can ride with. I got the chance to fly a 1.5 quadrifoil at NABX, and had a total ball!!!
BIG WIND / lil' kite = all the fun you can stand!
Like I say...Joecat has dibs...
Please keep me informed,
Robawindofchange - 2-5-2007 at 02:50 PM
We should have the new Quattro Imp's in stock by the end of the week. Great kite and we flew the wind out of it at NABX. Awesome little 4 line kite
that should be great for younger kids to get into the sport.joecat - 2-5-2007 at 06:06 PM
Hey,, working with smaller kites,,, like a 1.5 or 2.0m. If you learn to handle these sizes well, learning all the control,, does it help you with
the larger kites,, meaning same handling and control just more power?Pablo - 2-5-2007 at 08:08 PM
Handling gets easier, the bigger the kite the slower to react, slower turning, slower across the window, If you can control a 2m you can control a
8.5m in the right winds, problem is that the bigger kites make way bigger power, So way easier to control, way harder to control the power output. You
need to be way more careful with some of the large stuff.joecat - 3-5-2007 at 07:17 AM
Can you buggy with a Profoil RTF 1.5m. If the wind is right and you consider a 160lb person and a big foot buggy?leebrianh - 3-5-2007 at 08:04 AM
You can, on fast/hard surface like dry lake but I doubt on the beach especially with bigfoot tires unless it's hurricane wind, in which you don't want
to go out anyway. - Brianjoecat - 3-5-2007 at 08:19 AM
hey Brian,,, yea,,, I think I will skip the hurricane wind!awindofchange - 3-5-2007 at 12:19 PM
I've actually buggied with a 1m IMP on the playa, was a little work and the wind was well over 25, but once I got going it was awesome. Those little
kites are FAST, gotta keep your eyes on them at all times.