Power Kite Forum

seaside oregon

XXL - 29-3-2019 at 09:36 AM

How dose everyone like seaside oregon for a place to buggy, The American kite group is having there annual convention thought about taking my buggy and having some fun. What sizes to bring ? I think i might have to ship my stuff out there

Windstruck - 29-3-2019 at 01:20 PM

Seaside is AWESOME. I'm from Utah so I'll leave the primary details to the locals, but there is a SOBB event nearby a couple of times per year that is outstanding. Go for it!

eric67m - 30-3-2019 at 07:13 AM

The place to buggy near seaside is just north at sunset beach. During SOBB events they park 1-3 miles to the north. I'll try to wake up some of the locals that hang out on facebook kiteOregon.com site.

Bladerunner - 30-3-2019 at 09:22 AM

Sunset beach is worth a visit. Great local crew and if you post that you will be showing up chances are you will have company.

Typically people set up to the right as you hit the beach at Sunset beach enterance. Around mile marker 2 depending on how buzy things are. You can ride for miles and miles with an onshore wind.

Typically onshore winds are light so bring a big kite. Bring a broad a range of kites because any wind is possible.

The spring SOBB gathering is 9 days starting from May 25. If you can be there then you are sure to have a great time.

sand flea - 31-3-2019 at 07:12 AM

Let me know when you come to town XXL, there are many places better than Seaside to buggy.
Seaside is usually packed with tourists, dogs off leash and single liners. It's just unsafe.
At Sunset beach we can drive our cars on the beach which makes things pretty convenient. I was there yesterday and it was excellent, the beach was practically empty.... it was awesome
Let me know, we'll bring out the Crew and have a great time!

jjesseday - 31-3-2019 at 07:57 AM

Hey sand flea where are some of the good buggy places? I went with blitzhound to sunset Beach and there are one or two places here in newport... But I'm always down to find a new place!

Bladerunner - 31-3-2019 at 08:17 AM

I think that Sand Flea is saying that the beach in the town of Seaside is far from ideal.

A short drive north and you can drive out on the beach. The best option and the one most locals use is the enterance at Sunset beach. You can drive on the beach for about 9 miles north or south. We typically set up a mile or more north of the Sunset enterance. Depending on how busy the beach is. How the beach smoothes out.

That said Oregon ( and southern Washington ) have a bunch of great beaches. Sunset beach with a little warning is the place to go to meet up with the kiteoregon crew.

Not only will they entertain you. They will teach you a thing or 2! Well worth trying to arrange!

eric67m - 31-3-2019 at 09:57 AM

The distance driving to park on the beach can be effected by the conditions of the beach caused from tides and previous storms.

Also if you are running barrows you will be much more limited by the tides.

Always fun whether you are bugging, flying or just hanging out telling stories.