Power Kite Forum

Hey everybody

B-Roc - 2-6-2019 at 06:01 AM

Just starting up a thread as this place has been dead. Feel free to stop in and say hello.

abkayak - 2-6-2019 at 06:09 AM

with the onset of piping plover nesting season and all the lunatics associated.......
never mind, how bout those Bruins?

eric67m - 2-6-2019 at 07:14 AM

I just got done with the spring SOBB get together. I had a great time. I hope to post a couple of pictures on the SOBB thread. What pictures that were taken by others were posted on facebook "kiteoregon" page.

Several of us were discussing how this web forum was how we found out more about power kites and buggies. It's disconcerting that it is now very quiet.

Is there an easier way to post pictures here from a mobile device other than reducing their size and then hosting them on another website?

Ed Cline - 2-6-2019 at 09:53 AM

About pictures. I've used this service since the shut down of Photobuckets free hosting service.


There is a quirk however. If you choose to insert a link that is in BB code, but UN-LINKED, you will be punished.
The entire post will go small print from beginning to end.
USE LINKED BB code and you get this.

No computer whiz here, but like me this is simple and works.

postscript. just clicking on any photo I post will get you there.

Windstruck - 2-6-2019 at 12:16 PM

Agreed that PKF has gone pretty quiet. A lot more action here, however, than XK based out of Australia. There's tumbleweed blowing through that forum. :(

I have a small project brewing which is to upgrade my AQR with a new, larger, Winchard snap shackle: http://www.apsltd.com/torsion-snap-shackle-large-bail-medium...

This is a different type of shackle than the one I'm currently running with that has a plunger. This one also has a much larger A-hole (yes, it's a non-dirty thing) as my chicken loops have little dumbbells on the end of them that get caught in my current shackle which has a much smaller opening when it is still closed. My current setup works fine to release my chicken loop if the shackle opens, but if I manually pop my chicken loop with the shackle still closed then the dumbbell will get hung up.

This AQR setup is somewhat modeled after my good friend John's (Cerebite). It's a small, fun little project that "keeps me in the game" between buggy sessions. :D

RedSky - 2-6-2019 at 01:29 PM

So is anybody planning to get out and ride anytime soon ? I'm moving house ( downsizing ) in a couple of weeks and have had to put the Dominator into storage. :( , but assembled my old dust devil today and its ready for action.
Really want to get out during the summer months and get some video.

eric67m - 2-6-2019 at 09:39 PM

Ed's picture posting site works great, much easier than the multi step process by tiny pic. I will try using imgbb.com more in the future.

Ed Cline - 3-6-2019 at 03:42 AM

Glad to share info, so where's the pictures?
We all know of course that " there ain't no free lunch " so it is expected that when the libraries are big enough they will probably hold us up for fees.
I don't need archival storage so I'm okay with that.

Anybody ever fly a Skynasaur?

Randy - 3-6-2019 at 05:58 AM

While we are on the subject of nothing in particular. Free tacos at Taco Bell June 18th between 2 and 6. One per customer (but I see no way they can stop you from going to every Taco Bell in town.) Just say "Randy sent me." Here are the details. (Good only in the US - land of the free tacos)


B-Roc - 3-6-2019 at 08:46 AM

I just noticed that my post created two threads. That is bizarre and completely unintended.

markite - 3-6-2019 at 10:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Ed Cline  

Anybody ever fly a Skynasaur?

I recall back around 1982 going into the kite store downtown Toronto and looking at some really expensive stunt kites that were over 100.00 (I think Spinoffs) and decided on the cheaper Synasaur - I have the Eagle claw grips with the Skybond line (mix of kevlar). Started with one then soon had a small stack which i still have somewhere. Had a lot of fun with them.
Next purchase was the 6ft Flexi, then another, another...then 8s....then 10s...
Being the only kite flier in a smaller city I was alone and never knew about staking lines out etc so launching the kites often involved getting it flying holding the lines about 10 feet away and then trying to let equal amounts of line slide through my hands until i got to the straps.

Randy - 3-6-2019 at 12:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by markite  
Quote: Originally posted by Ed Cline  

Anybody ever fly a Skynasaur?

I recall back around 1982 going into the kite store downtown Toronto and looking at some really expensive stunt kites that were over 100.00 (I think Spinoffs) and decided on the cheaper Synasaur - I have the Eagle claw grips with the Skybond line (mix of kevlar). Started with one then soon had a small stack which i still have somewhere. Had a lot of fun with them.
Next purchase was the 6ft Flexi, then another, another...then 8s....then 10s...
Being the only kite flier in a smaller city I was alone and never knew about staking lines out etc so launching the kites often involved getting it flying holding the lines about 10 feet away and then trying to let equal amounts of line slide through my hands until i got to the straps.

I've done it that way too. Not easy. At the start and around 2:11

bugymangp - 3-6-2019 at 03:50 PM

I used to buggy with stacks of flexie's

eric67m - 3-6-2019 at 04:00 PM

I have a Skynasaur trooper 2 line stunt kite. I have only flown it once and that was on a different line set. The bag however has some fraying. The kite appears brand new. 82" wing span.

kteguru - 4-6-2019 at 02:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by B-Roc  
Just starting up a thread as this place has been dead. Feel free to stop in and say hello.

Hello Broc and everyone. Definitely quiet in here. I guess everyone uses Faceplace or whatever now a days.

Since we're not on any particular topic does anyone know what dates the fall wildwood is going to be this year?

Hope everyone has a great summer.

bugymangp - 4-6-2019 at 05:38 PM

Oct 14th I'm petty sure it's the second week