Power Kite Forum

Tandemseason is now officially open..!!

jantie - 15-2-2020 at 08:27 AM

the handle to rotate it while driving is yet to be made.

but i got it to this point:

Randy - 15-2-2020 at 03:07 PM

Check you link - doesn't seem to be working.

jantie - 16-2-2020 at 12:30 AM

Checked and works fine overhere...
Please try again Randy

Juan - 16-2-2020 at 03:24 AM

Nice, you are a creative mind!
I dont understand why it must be hardwood but it looks beautiful. What kind of hardwood is it?

sand flea - 16-2-2020 at 09:29 AM

That's brilliant!!!

Randy - 16-2-2020 at 09:41 AM

Works now. Must have been on my end. Very clever and nice job of showing how it works!

jantie - 16-2-2020 at 02:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Juan  
Nice, you are a creative mind!
I dont understand why it must be hardwood but it looks beautiful. What kind of hardwood is it?

Thanks for the nice comments everyone.

I'm guessing Meranti or Teak, I'm not sure.
It is very heavy and dense.
And what I already have laying around I'm not gonna buy.

Being a carpenter by trade it is easy for me to make things with
and out of wood..


RedSky - 16-2-2020 at 05:25 PM

very good, look forward to seeing some footage :thumbup:, and an extra thumbs up for Mammagamma - The Alan Parsons Project. :thumbup:

crewl1 - 21-2-2020 at 03:06 PM

I've attempted a rotating camera using a RC sail servo and testing knob, but ran into shake problems due to an unstable mount approach.
Haven't revisited it. You can see it in this Blokart video I made.
The mount is visible at 1:50

Kober - 22-2-2020 at 10:35 AM

nice one ,,,,

jantie - 22-2-2020 at 03:03 PM

a testrun in 8 Bft is not ideal, but i wanted to try anyway
unfortunatly the kite, a PKD Joy 2m2 snowkite got damaged in the 1st run.
and a bigger kite was for me too gusty and risky.

not much footage to edit but just enough for a movie.
better luck next time.. :D

Randy - 23-2-2020 at 06:08 AM

Wow! That is a lot of wind. :thumbup:

Windstruck - 24-2-2020 at 05:36 AM

Loved that song! What a cool thing you have going there. Hope the kite wasn't completely blown.

jantie - 24-2-2020 at 12:38 PM

Damage is minor. I have the same one from wich i can use the bridle for parts so it can probably get a second life,
and that song sticks like gum in your head so i had to use it.

RedSky - 24-2-2020 at 09:46 PM

Pretty remarkable ride. :thumbup:
How is hot launching in those winds? With a regular bug, it is preferable to point yourself downwind but with the crab not so easy?

jantie - 25-2-2020 at 12:17 AM

the advantage in a Crab is that when you hot-launch in any wind you allready leane into the side-bar,
as in a regular buggy when you point downwind you need to brace yourself much more to prevent an eject.
(because than you have a real hot-launch hahahahaha....)

that is also when you go 'off-road' wich i did many thimes in a regular buggy, when pulling yourself up on a
sanddune or hill you risk an eject especially when you stall halfway and loop to come further up.
In the crab sitting sideway's you allready lean max to the sidebar and is looping to get further an higher up not an issue.

the same as switching direction in high speed as you see in this video: click here and see at 3:50
the moment i've slowed down enough, trowing and turning the crab, trying to keep maximum momentum and facing a downwind-position i can loop all i want because it will pull me to the sidebar.
and when the speed picks up i correct steering to the perfect downwind-course for max speed.
ofcourse you know all about that Redsky


crewl1 - 27-2-2020 at 09:05 PM

Awesome video! I always wondered how crab buggies worked, cool to see it in action.

abkayak - 28-2-2020 at 01:35 PM

great vid...really looks like a wild ride:thumbup:
maybe a stereo in that thing...seems right

Randy - 28-2-2020 at 02:53 PM

What an awesome ride - feel like I was a passenger. Cool music too!

jantie - 30-3-2021 at 05:10 AM

to make sure i don't miss any action... :cool::cool:
this way i can put all 6 camera's the way i want them on the buggy

made it from central heating thinwall pipe and round edge's to minimize
the risk of injuring myself or anyone else..

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Jack.Oh - 1-4-2021 at 07:59 AM

Very cool. :thumbup: I do not even have one camera. Maybe one day.

jantie - 1-4-2021 at 01:47 PM

i use the cheap one's:
between 15 and 50 euro incl. post&package, no GoPro's.
so if i break or lose them it is not that bad..

Jack.Oh - 5-4-2021 at 07:00 AM

Yes, you know I looked on Amazon and found a 1080p for like $24.00 US.

So, I did get it I will try to make a mount for it. But only one for now.

jantie - 8-4-2021 at 08:16 AM

found my old tandem-bar.
need to weld another size downtube on a different angle on it
because it was made for the Libre V-max wich is now turned into Crab 1 & II..
Recycling 2.0.. :D
then i polished, lubricated and painted it and it is ready for action!!

i photoshop my own buggy for the complete set-up.
the version with the midi-tyres has the old Libre V-max axle wich is mounted closer and lower
to the re-bar frame under the seat.
and it's also possible to ride it with the full-size frontfork and midi-rear. that's gonna be fun..!!
oversteer to-the-max.. but anything for fun!!

i gave the yellow tandem in the previous post to a friend of mine
because riding whitout a roll-bar isn't working for me because of a bad back...

so kitebuggy tandemseason is officially open..!!
because THIS is so much fun!!

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still hoping to raise that PB of over 52 MPH
i set years ago on Les Hemmes FR.

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jantie - 9-4-2021 at 01:10 AM

this is also fun and hopefully we can do this again soon:
if you look closely there are 3 kite..

tridem sideride pkf.jpg - 95kB

RedSky - 9-4-2021 at 05:17 AM

I wonder what the record is for the number of buggies linked together. If you have the numbers it might be worth a shot.

jantie - 10-4-2021 at 12:32 AM

uhhmmm that would be a record set on Fano or Romo Denmark, and that were from what i can remeber well over 20 PL-buggy's.
but that was over 20 years ago and i can't find anything about it online...

RedSky - 10-4-2021 at 07:04 AM

I found this from 1995 :o

and the First German Naked Buggy Driver :D

I have an idea for you. The First Dutch Naked Tandem Buggy pair. Not sure about that cargo net seat tho. :lol:

jantie - 10-4-2021 at 12:39 PM

Only a few have a kite... but cool to see.
The naked guy.. uhmm... okay never mind..