Power Kite Forum

JIBE 2020 Update

acampbell - 17-3-2020 at 08:46 AM

Hey Gang

OK, Wash your hands and listen up.

Just got off the blower with Jekyll Island and as of right now, everything is on. Jekyll Island recently cancelled the Turtle Run, scheduled for last week, and the organizers of the arts festival scheduled for the same time, followed suit.
Restaurants are closing, but shops are mostly open at the discretion of the owners.

JIA understands that the JIBE event is uniquely suited for "social distancing" since we mostly stay at least 6' away from each other and by and large do not share equipment.

Right now there are no travel bans, although I am not keen on flying back from Texas. Nancy knows that if the event goes on, and I am not there, that we have trusted proxies to take care of things and she is cool with that.

It wouldn't be wise for me to speculate further. I suspect that we ill learn a lot in the next two weeks if not two days. It all has to do with our efforts to "flatten the curve" and get on the other side of it. Will this happen by May? Not sure.

We are all watching (or reading) the news. JekyllIsland.com is running a red ticker banner on the top of their home page with updates.

Keep your fingers crossed - and washed. AND STOP BUYING TOILET PAPER!!!

We'll be in touch soon


Randy - 17-3-2020 at 09:57 AM

Thanks for keeping us posted. I sure hope it works out that we will be able to go.

BeamerBob - 17-3-2020 at 05:36 PM

Thanks Angus. I hope we're on the downwind side of that curve on a strong Beam Reach by the time JIBE rolls around.

Demoknight - 20-3-2020 at 01:10 PM

Excellent news, and thanks for the update! I hope that things have calmed down enough for the long-distance folks to still be able to join by then. My company has the entire workforce doing work from home right now.

Randy - 20-3-2020 at 03:32 PM

Sad to post this, but it was just announced on the news that Georgia beaches, including Jekyll have been closed, until April 13. Hopefully things will turn around by May when JIBE is scheduled.


soliver - 20-3-2020 at 09:44 PM

I heard the same on WSB radio earlier tonight. You beat me to the punch, Randy!

Ashli and I are thinking though that it is only a plan to keep the crazy-stupid spring breakers off the Gold Coast Beaches

Randy - 21-3-2020 at 05:36 AM

I was thinking that too. Hope that's the case.

acampbell - 21-3-2020 at 08:20 AM

Travel to and from JI is currently NOT restricted but all beaches and JIA public facilities are closed. Some restaurants are closed

Most of these closures are until April 13 unless canceled or extended.

Updates are available at the top of the page at Jekyllisland.com

markite - 23-3-2020 at 11:23 AM

I've been trying not to post anything negative with the current state of world health affairs and I'll try not to be too preachy. It seemed like there just wasn't as much information following through to many people especially when I was watching the US news feeds. From international friends and family the news wasn't looking good well over a month ago. I think there is a slow appreciation of the severity and impact trickling down. I was just reminded to post a short note after seeing some of the international coverage on the weekend that included a spring break report live from St Simons island of all places, showing crowded beaches etc. Anyway, I'm not going to lecture but just want to express that I hope all my friends and their families continue to stay safe and healthy so we can all get together and share a ride, a beverage and tell stories of our adventures soon.

jantie - 23-3-2020 at 02:22 PM

So hoarding toilet paper is not just a Dutch phenomenon...

pbc - 23-3-2020 at 08:50 PM

I'm a prepper, a kiting prepper. I got two new spools olf line last week and made my first line set from them Saturday. I plan to burn through the entire spool. Then it's time for some bar upgrades. I have a little more free time on my hands now that all my normal recreational options are shut down.

I sure hope we don't have to bail, but the models of infection rates don't look great. Currently working remotely. My entire team is now remote. We have research projects with deadlines this week and I'm supporting a big Covid-19 research project. When they call we jump. I'm gonna need a vacation soon. I really need this.

acampbell - 24-3-2020 at 11:50 AM

What happened to my post?

markite - 24-3-2020 at 03:28 PM

See, you make one post about free beer and prizes at JIBE 2020 and it disappears!

I was copying and pasting text from the blog on Robert Bociks recovery and I had to hit the "preview post" to make sure it was visible - it was blank so I then had to return, deleting punctuation marks and all apostrophes, commas, periods and hitting preview again until I saw it would accept the text and replacing with what i copied and typing in a new comma, period etc - that was a pain but at least i didn't loose the entire text going back and forth figuring out what was creating the blank post

TEDWESLEY - 27-3-2020 at 11:52 AM

The folks at Parker- Kaufman realty moved our booking to next year no penalties or such. We'll miss you all!

BeamerBob - 28-3-2020 at 06:30 AM

Really hoping for a run to the northern tip soon.

markite - 28-3-2020 at 02:56 PM

having a brew and thinking of friends, beaches and wind....ahhhh

wind_sail.jpg - 164kB

soliver - 30-3-2020 at 04:45 PM

Just heard that because of the President's recent address, beaches will stay closed through April. This is likely going to change my family's travel plans. If beaches open in May, we will probably come then, but there is a possibility I may miss out on JIBE... if beaches stay closed through May, we may wait until September to come down.

Anyhow, I hope I get to see you guys!

soliver - 31-3-2020 at 09:26 PM

Officially not coming now :no: !!!

My in-laws told us that the rental agency rep spoke with someone in local gov't who said the beaches would likely be closed all summer?!?!? Whether or not that's true, we have decided to do our SSI/JI trip in the fall. We have rescheduled our annual beach trip for October.

Anyone wanna do a fall JIBE?

Angus, you heard any word about beach closures past April 30th?

acampbell - 1-4-2020 at 08:09 AM

Sorry to hear this Spencer but I feel that crazier news will not come as much of a surprise in the near future.

Right now there are executive orders standing until midnight April 30 that...

1) Close the beaches

2) prohibit taking new guests or reservations at commercial properties (hotels) for more than two consecutive nights.

These orders can be rescinded or extended.

I have left the Permits and insurance in place, knowing full well that events at hand and public policy will override any of our wishes.
In fact, JIA agrees with me that even if I cancelled JIBE, its still a public beach, and if non-essential travel is permitted in May, there is nothing stopping kiters or anyone else from showing up and enjoying themselves.

But I think not.

Ironically Joan and I are but 6 hours away in Eufaula, AL, just down the street along Rt 82 West out of Brunswick. We are holed up in a darling little RV park in a county that still has no C-19 cases. We are not budging a bit until the all-clear for travel is called. We know that this may not be for many weeks or even months. Our trip to TX is postponed indefinitely and my flight to JAX from there is cancelled.

If safe travel IS permitted then and the beach closure is not extended, anyone is welcome to come and enjoy. JIA is cool with it and I can appoint a Proxy (just a formality).

But lets keep in touch and watch for news and take care of family first.

All the best


soliver - 1-4-2020 at 11:52 AM

I must've heard wrong... My wife said something about the beaches being closed ... she must've said "there's always the possibility that they may be closed through the summer..." and I heard her wrong, so my apologies there!

Wish we could make it, but we just can't :no:

Planning to keep one of the weeks planned for my vacation for a staycation... if the Parks are open, I'll go for a ride in honor of JIBE.

Thanks for the clarification Angus

markite - 1-4-2020 at 02:27 PM

Spence I heard Florida, Georgia and Mississippi have now instated stay at home policies - US still seems to be a week and a half to two weeks behind adopting some of the same policies as other countries. In Ontario we are told to be prepared for extension of policies for 12 weeks (not sure if that counts the three weeks of policy already passed). Looking more and more like Fiona and I won't be traveling to see each other until late summer at best, and a lot of talk of possible fall resurgence. But so many variables you never know...Okay that's it don't want divert this JIBE thread away from the actual topic

We might have to do a virtual JIBE putting on our JIBE shirts and take some kind of photo in our buggies to post to this thread

Randy - 3-4-2020 at 06:00 AM

Some news. The GA Governor issues his own SIP order and there is some confusion as to how it might impact orders concerning closure of parks, beaches etc. I'm staying inside no matter what "for the duration" (whatever that means) so I won't be riding anytime soon anyway. Should the situation warrant it, there is still some hope for Spring JIBE 2020.

TEDWESLEY - 3-4-2020 at 08:00 AM

I hope everyone does what is best in their situation, changes are happening and no one has a crystal ball.
Plan for the worst case and be happy if it doesn't appear.
Our beaches are closed along with most everything else.
We will sorely miss our JIBE time, but it would be so much worse to have any of the extended family struck down.
Like Angus said,"WASH YOUR HANDS", that seems to be what have just now - your mother was right

Randy - 3-4-2020 at 09:30 AM

I checked with a newspaper reporter in Brunswick. He says that the beaches will remain closed and they believe the Governors order doesn't change that. The Governor's order goes only till April 13 and the beaches are still closed till April 30. Both dates could easily change though.

acampbell - 3-4-2020 at 03:36 PM

simply check with jekyllisland.com There is a banner on top of the home page


Yeah it's until the 13th, but I expect it to be extended. It's 5th grade math. Look up the fable of the King and the Chess Board (either the version with rice or wheat), and then realize that people are not paying attention....

I'll start working on 2021!

3shot - 3-4-2020 at 05:02 PM

We have missed the last two Jibes. It's not by choice. We think of all our Jekyll friends often. Miss y'all very much. Maybe see everyone again in 2021.

Randy - 3-4-2020 at 06:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by acampbell  
simply check with jekyllisland.com There is a banner on top of the home page


Yeah it's until the 13th, but I expect it to be extended. It's 5th grade math. Look up the fable of the King and the Chess Board (either the version with rice or wheat), and then realize that people are not paying attention....

I'll start working on 2021!

:thumbup::thumbup: 2021 will be here before we know it!

soliver - 5-4-2020 at 05:57 AM

Well according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Fox News, Gov. Kemp's twittier page and likely some other very reliable media outlets, beaches have been opened only for exercise purposes... so do we think Kite Buggying qualifies as exercise?

Randy - 5-4-2020 at 03:17 PM

Depends on if you use a harness or not. :)

TEDWESLEY - 12-4-2020 at 07:36 AM

And ketchup is a vegetable

pbc - 12-4-2020 at 08:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by soliver  
... so do we think Kite Buggying qualifies as exercise?

It's a mental exercise. Use it or lose it, right?

skimtwashington - 12-4-2020 at 10:07 PM

My state beach restriction state something different and with clearer intent:

"state managed coastal beaches are still open albeit for passive recreational activities that only involve transitory movement: walking jogging running etc"

So if you are alone and MOVING>>> Kite buggying, kite rollerblading is OK:thumbup:

The 'passive' term seems like a misnomer, though..?

mystainedskin - 25-4-2020 at 11:15 AM

I may be willing to test some southeastern stretches of beach real soon.
Pass along any obtained info...
Currently in Orlando and have not been close to Jekyll since last year :( .....or really any buggying either.
I have been looking forward to JIBE....and that is an understatement.

Maybe this year would be a great opportunity to dive deeper into the 2nd event of the year at this loved spot?
JIBE 2.0

Randy - 25-4-2020 at 06:20 PM

The current rules in Georgia allow beach access, but no beach chairs are allowed. So you gotta keep moving. Sit in one place too long and they might think your buggy is a beach chair......:)

BeamerBob - 27-4-2020 at 12:23 PM

I might just randomly happen to check things out at Jekyll Island next week. Anyone else maybe randomly going to be there? I can adhere to the beach rules as they are and hoping they relax those a bit before then.

soliver - 27-4-2020 at 03:49 PM

I'll be having a commemorative JIBE ride locally on Thursday since I won't be down on JI this year... decent looking wind in the metro Atlanta area and I took the week off of work for a staycation. There's a really nice park about 20-30 min west of me in Dallas, GA called White Oak Park. According to the county Parks and Rec, the park is open but the facilities are closed (so if I have to pee, I'll run into the woods).

Randy and Errol, if you guys want to venture out, shoot me a text or email! (I do have an N95!)

BeamerBob - 27-4-2020 at 04:16 PM

It's just not going to happen. Louisiana's stay at home order was extended for two more weeks certainly because of New Orleans. Going also would've depended on Georgia lifting travel restrictions.

pbc - 27-4-2020 at 04:47 PM

I'm planning to randomly be there. Our sport is legal within the current Georgia restrictions on beach use. The campground is open and sites are plentiful.

On the down side, access to food on the island is limited. Access to public bathrooms is limited. So some careful planning is required.

I haven't decided if I'm day tripping it to Jekyll or doing a 3-day 2-night adventure. There's also the slim chance that Florida State Parks might open and then I could just day trip to St Augustine. I really need to not work for a day or two and replace that with some flying.

soliver - 29-4-2020 at 04:44 PM

Local forecast for tomorrow pooped out, decided to push it back til Friday... Randy will be meeting me there!... looking forward to it!

pbc - 29-4-2020 at 07:35 PM

Good winds to you in Atlanta, Spencer.

flyhighWNY - 30-4-2020 at 03:06 PM

But what are the dates. And if I can get there I'll be without buggy. Anyone have an extra I can use?

Randy - 30-4-2020 at 06:28 PM

Dates were May 4-8. The link below is the best guide to the current situation.


Corona WOBB 2020

Randy - 1-5-2020 at 07:50 PM

Corona WOBB 2020 (White Oak Buggy Bash) was held today on the outskirts of Dallas (Georgia that is) on schedule with full social distancing, ample fun and a satisfying amount of wind. Spencer flew his 6m peak (long lines), while I went with NPW's sized 5.5, 7. and 8.2 all on short lines. I managed to break one my DIY kite bars on the 8.2 so I finished up on the 7.0 Who knows, this could become a big time event, or at least a good JIBE tune up in the years ahead. Film at 11, or sometime in the next few days. I'd not been to this location, but it certainly has potential and I plan to be back when buggy season starts in earnest next fall and winter. :D Meanwhile it was great to get out and get back in the buggy seat if only for a couple of hours one day in May, 2020.

soliver - 2-5-2020 at 06:11 AM

Great time at Corona WOBB yesterday! A rarity in Metro Atlanta to have wind that constant. It was a little gusty but stayed between 10 and 18 mph shifting N to WNW from about 10:30a to around 1:00... We did indeed have fun! I love that 6m Peak! Randy left around 2:00 I think and I headed home by 3:00. The wind was dropping off to fits and starts which is more typical here.

Thanks for coming out Randy, it was great to see you!

Fun story of obnoxious people; before Randy showed, some middle aged guy was walking around taking video with his phone while encouraging his little dog (apparently named "Sir") to chase me and attack my kite when it was on the ground. When he approached my kite on the ground to encourage his dog to "get it, Sir!" I had to shout to him to step back for safety as his head was so firmly lodged in his posterior.

Randy - 2-5-2020 at 07:15 AM

We also had a few kids flying little diamond kites, though they didn't really get in the way. Perhaps we inspired them? :)

markite - 2-5-2020 at 08:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by soliver  

Fun story of obnoxious people; before Randy showed, some middle aged guy was walking around taking video with his phone while encouraging his little dog (apparently named "Sir") to chase me and attack my kite when it was on the ground. When he approached my kite on the ground to encourage his dog to "get it, Sir!" I had to shout to him to step back for safety as his head was so firmly lodged in his posterior.

Reminds me of story from last fall when Fiona and i were taking a taxi in Dubai and I was talking to the driver who was Pakistani-they are very polite and always call you sir or madam. I asked his name and he said "My name is Sufik sir"
Fiona didn't quite catch the nuance and for the rest of the ride she called him Sufiksir a number of times.

soliver - 2-5-2020 at 10:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Randy  
We also had a few kids flying little diamond kites, though they didn't really get in the way. Perhaps we inspired them? :)

They were kinda in my way, but they were having fun ... nothin' to fuss over.

Randy - 2-5-2020 at 11:29 AM

I probably scared them away with mask. Or maybe it was my buggy driving.;)

Randy - 3-5-2020 at 09:36 AM

A brief video of WOBB 2020.

Demoknight - 4-5-2020 at 12:13 PM

It really hurts to not be able to spend this week on Jekyll. However, we have moved our reservation on our house and will instead be going to Jekyll in October! It isn't a total loss. This will just have to be my first fall buggy trip rather than spring trip.

soliver - 6-5-2020 at 06:26 AM


Quote: Originally posted by Demoknight  
It really hurts to not be able to spend this week on Jekyll. However, we have moved our reservation on our house and will instead be going to Jekyll in October! It isn't a total loss. This will just have to be my first fall buggy trip rather than spring trip.

Hey Errol, We'll be there in October too! Will be on Saint Simons for the most part but plan to come over to JI regularly. My in-laws have the place for most of the month, so let me know when you guys plan to be there and I'll try to see if I can make my individual plans line up. Shoot me an email (if you have it).

Randy - 7-5-2020 at 05:15 AM

Thanks Spencer. Have you ever tried White Oak on an easterly? Looking at the surrounding terrain it seems it might work, because the field is elevated over the the land and buildings to the east, and there are not a lot of trees either. West looks less promising as there are quite a few trees, though perhaps at a lower elevation.

soliver - 7-5-2020 at 04:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Randy  
Thanks Spencer. Have you ever tried White Oak on an easterly? Looking at the surrounding terrain it seems it might work, because the field is elevated over the the land and buildings to the east, and there are not a lot of trees either. West looks less promising as there are quite a few trees, though perhaps at a lower elevation.

Yea Easterly would be great, but I've never had the opportunity, I think I've only been there maybe 2 other times and it's only ever been W or NW