Quote: Originally posted by Jack.Oh | The rims are 8in x 7in 52mm hub 52mm x 20mm bearings.
Tyres are 18in x 9.5in x 8in 4 ply. (midi XL)
If increasing the distance between the axle and fork, do you need to change the head angle
to be more in line with the axle? (more caster, more caster is more stable) |
yes true, but too much can shake/shimmy the tire and rememder: there is only 1 frontwheel on your bug, it's not a car.( or a Crab.. )
i've just measured mine and i have it neutral. (give or take 0.1 degrees due to tire-pressure)
so riding backwards is also stable.. :D
i've driven so many time's well over 50Mph and backwards not that much slower and the stability with neutral caster is great.
even with the side-ride wich adds an easy 100kg with passenger (with or without kite) has no negative influence of the stability.
also with the tandem (speed +50Mph) wich increases the downforce on the rear-axle dramaticly, i only need to deflate the front tire slightlty to go
like it's a solo-run.
but that's how is see it, it is your project.
perhaps a trialrun with neutral and then positive caster will make it easier to choose..
keep them pics coming.