Power Kite Forum

Libra kites

speleopower - 20-5-2007 at 07:15 PM

I've been looking around for info and pictures of Libra Vampir Race Pro kites. I've only found a couple of overall wideangle pics. I was looking for some up close pics.
Who sells these kites in the US, just Kite Buggy Speed Shop?
Is there anyone who rides these kites in the Southeast US? Florida?


speleopower - 16-6-2007 at 08:09 PM

Does anyone have Libra kite reviews???

I've e-mailed kitebuggy speed shop numerous times and haven't gotten a response. Is it better to just call?


Pablo - 17-6-2007 at 10:02 AM

Jon's been on the road a lot lately. He is an awesome guy to deal with though so take the time to track him down, a phone call may be just the ticket.

jellis - 17-6-2007 at 02:44 PM

Scott very sorry but I am still on the road and don't always get internet or cell service. Please send me your questions or call. I am the North American Distributor for Libre and JoJo. I have not actively sought retailers, but inquireys are overwhelming and our first retailer in Canada is through Pablo's shop or Terry at http://www.buggytexas.com/blokarttexas.html with many more retailers to come.
Best Regards

speleopower - 18-6-2007 at 06:04 PM

Hi-I was going to call today but I was super busy during work today. I want to fly a large Libra or large JoJo this summer.