Power Kite Forum

wildwood bridge width

kteguru - 5-7-2020 at 06:52 PM

I'm currently planning out a future buggy build and was wondering if anyone knew the width of the bridge to the beach at Wildwood? If the fall wildwood happens this year I'll measure it while I'm there but I wanted to start on things before then. Although it's not super important, bridge convenience is nice. I know someone measured it some years back but the search function couldn't find anything. Thanks for the help:thumbup:

Jack.Oh - 6-7-2020 at 07:48 AM

Hey Dean, my custom wide axle flexi with midi tires just fits on the bridge between the rails. So, outside tire to tire it measures approximately 62"....(-0.375/+0.0)

Hope that helps.

kteguru - 6-7-2020 at 09:23 AM

Thanks for the help Jack! Just the number I needed:thumbup:
See you in the fall:wee: