tomdiving - 1-12-2020 at 07:41 AM
anybody try one of these, or something very similar with a kite? good? bad? ok? don't do it? SEEMS like it should do well and i think my credit card
is going to get dinged if i get any positive responses. if i didn't have all of the playscape stuff in my small field, my regular cheap sled would
still be fine. steerable would definitely be an asset now. the snowfeet will be getting a workout today. 3-4 inches of snow last night and 15-30mph
winds for the rest of the day. think i'll start off with a 6m viron2 and see how that goes.
Randy - 1-12-2020 at 09:03 AM
Makes me wish I lived somewhere where snow happens more than once every 10 years or so. When it does, roads are littered with abandoned cars, people
are stranded at work or school, or home so getting out for kite sledding would be tough.
RedSky - 1-12-2020 at 08:22 PM
Not sure how practical it would be as it seems like you are required to lay belly down on those things. Would love to see some kite sled action tho. A
quick search on Google and there are some sit on versions with a steering wheel. Ideally you'd want to be hands free but it could still work with some
B-Roc - 2-12-2020 at 07:34 AM
I'm not sure it would work. If you are powered, I don't know how you would manage to hold an edge and lean against the kite without sliding or being
pulled off the sled and if fastened to the sled, I'm not sure the skis are wide enough to prevent you from tipping over as the kite pulls you.
tomdiving - 2-12-2020 at 07:40 AM
redsky - it's RECOMMENDED that you lie down. a reviewer said that she sat on it and steered with her feet. youtube does have some various
kiting/sledding videos of many sorts.
b-roc - thank you for your insight.(again) these are things that i had not considered.