A couple quick notes, based on your size - I would not recommend the 12m. I've been getting some time on the Gin Shamans which would be similar - the
12 gets quite a bit slower than the 9, and at 150lbs you really don't need it. For smaller folks I would recommend a 4/9 split and for heavier guys a
6/12 split. Translating over to a Explore V2 I think you'd like a 4/10 or 6/10 combo probably?
And a quick word on wind ranges: the single skins do dump power really well, but I noticed that they still have a definite upper wind range, although
its different than your classic twin-skin kite. On a twin-skin as the winds increase, you're more concerned about the lift they start to develop. On
a single skin, its more about how much side-pull they start to generate. Once the winds start getting stronger on a single skin - you can depower,
and the lift goes away, but the extra drag that a single skin has will make is sit deeper in the power zone. As a result, you feel like are getting
unwillingly pulled downwind, with no way to really edge your skis hard enough to force the kite to the edge of the wind window like on a traditional
kite. So in really strong winds, it starts to feel hard to control your speed, almost like you're getting sucked into a black hole directly downwind.
That's been my experience anyways. This would be true for winds above the rated wind window for the kites - although at your weight, you might
experience it sooner. Otherwise - I have to admit - the single skins are much more fun than I was expecting.