Power Kite Forum

pro kiteboarder with camera in his mouth?

Jason-G - 20-6-2021 at 01:27 PM

Great video. Somehow he keeps his camera in his mouth? I would like to listen to music while in the buggy at the beach. Anyone know of a good setup? I have a bluetooth mp3 player but usually use big headphones and not while kiting. I wear a helmet.



erratic winds - 20-6-2021 at 09:24 PM

GoPro bite mount. https://gopro.com/en/us/shop/mounts/bite-mount-plus-floaty-f...

ColinW - 21-6-2021 at 08:29 AM

I have a skiing helmet with built in headphones. It's not bluetooth, but I am pretty sure you can get them with full wireless connectivity now

jeffnyc - 21-6-2021 at 03:16 PM

Bite mount, I have the same one - you can heat it like a football mouth guard and mold it to your teeth. It's way more comfortable than you'd expect. You can fold it and clip it to your impact vest (I use it in water) when not using it.
Apple air pods pro are a bit expensive, but totally worth it for me.
Kevin Langeree (the first guy in your video) uses JBL Endurance DIVE
Lots of bicycle folks recommend JayBird X3 as a cheap but good headset because they're sweat resistant , or the X4 if you want waterproof as well.